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22/11/2010 - 23/11/2010 : DG ECFIN 7th Annual Research Conference 2010, Charlemagne Building, Brussels

Governments and markets after the crisis: Finding a new balance.

The global financial crisis and its fall-out reignite the debate about the role for governments and markets. The systemic failure in financial markets has shattered fundamental beliefs in the ability of markets to deliver macro-economic stability and growth, while prompting government intervention at an unprecedented scale. Maintaining open markets, sustaining economic and financial stability, and ensuring socially inclusive societies in the post-crisis world calls for new approaches to the governance of markets between the extremes of free-market fundamentalism and government interventionism. The conference will explore such new set-ups in areas such as the architecture of financial systems, international trade and exchange rate regimes, intra-EU adjustment mechanisms, and the design of modern welfare state arrangements.

At this year's conference eminent scholars and top economic policy makers discussed the following lead questions:

  • Where do we stand with fair and measured regulatory reform to strengthen the global financial system? How to reduce the risks posed to taxpayers and to broader social objectives
  • What is the respective role of markets and government to rebalance the world economy? What can improved co-ordination and better governance at the supra-national level achieve?
  • How to prevent intra-EU capital flows to nurture instabilities? Do we need fiscal mechanisms beyond the Stability and Growth Pact?
  • How to restore the sustainability of public finances without running into persistently high unemployment? Do high levels of public debt impair growth prospects?
  • How to match efficiency with fairness in modern welfare systems when public coffers are empty? What are the limits of market-driven growth to combat inequality, poverty and social exclusion?

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Unfortunately the video coverage of the event is unavailable due to technical problems. Please accept our apologies.



Further information
Further information about this event can be obtained from the Chair of the Programme Committee:

Karl Pichelmann
Senior Adviser
DG Economic and Financial Affairs
European Commission
European Commission
Office: BU-1 05/184
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium

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