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15/10/2009 - 16/10/2009 : DG ECFIN 6th Annual Research Conference: Crisis and Reform

Conference topics

Two years after the U.S. subprime crisis began almost all parts of the world are affected by the financial crisis and the recession it has brought along. These unprecedented developments have been a major challenge for policymakers - and also for the economics profession.

While there has been little doubt surrounding the immediate crisis response, there has been less agreement on the medium- to long-term approach. How will the crisis affect countries' willingness to implement reforms, such as reforms to improve the design of the financial system? How will the crisis affect the paradigms that are behind our economic thinking?

DG ECFIN's 6th Annual Research Conference has examined these interrelated questions.

Information about the conference

A conference report has been prepared for DG ECFIN's European Economy Research Letter (December 2009, Volume 3, Issue 3). This publication also contains a report on the policy-oriented panel discussion in the afternoon of the second conference day and an interview with Axel Leijonhufvud, who delivered the ARC 2009 Opening Lecture. The conference is also covered in the January 2010 issue of DG ECFIN's European Economy News (forthcoming).

Conference programme

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