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Geoffrey Meade

Geoffrey Meade

Europe Editor, Press Association.

Geoffrey Meade has been Europe Editor of the Press Association, the UK and Ireland’s national news agency, since 1979. He has more than 40 years experience as a journalist, of which the last 33 years have been spent working in Brussels covering EU issues.

Mr. Meade is also a well-known columnist who has been featured in The Bulletin, European Voice, E!Sharp and Together magazine. He published his first book, All in a Day’s Shirk, in 2009. Geoffrey Meade is also European Correspondent for Deutsche Welle World Television.

Prior to coming to Brussels, Mr. Meade held various roles with the Press Association. He was a reporter in London from 1976-1979, Northern Ireland Correspondent in Belfast from 1975-1976 and High Court Reporter from 1974-1975. Mr. Meade started his career in journalism with the Herald Express in 1968.
