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Lorenzo Forni

University of Padua and Prometeia Associazione
Lorenzo Forni

Lorenzo Forni is a Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Padua,Italy, and Head of Prometeia Associazione, a think-tank with headquarters inItaly. Prof. Forni worked from 2010 to 2016 at the International Monetary Fundin Washington D.C., and previously at the Central Bank of Italy in Rome. Heholds a Master degree in Political Economy (1999) and a Ph.D. in Economics(2001) from Boston University and has been a visiting scholar at HarvardUniversity (2005-06). He has published in major academic journals such as theAmerican Economic Review and the Journal of Public Economics. He is theauthor of “The Magic Money Tree and other economic tales”, selected by theFinancial Times among the ten best economic books of 2021. Prof. Forni ison LinkedIn and on Twitter as @fornilorenzo.