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Call for Research Pitches

Pitch your research!

Academic and professional researchers are invited to pitch their research at the venue in Seville, Spain or via videoconference to an audience of Conference attendants, DG ECFIN and the JRC officials on 20 September at 17h00 CET.

DG ECFIN and the JRC are interested in listening to research pitches on the following topics:

  1. Sustainable food labels that assess food produce in terms of its economic, environmental and social sustainability. The JRC would be interested in welcoming knowledge on labelling initiatives in the food domain or other relevant domains;
  2. The impact of climate change on debt sustainability. DG ECFIN would integrate such knowledge in its Fiscal Sustainability Report;
  3. Multilevel governance in the Transition to Sustainability in the Aerospace Industrial Ecosystem, specifically on the role of European regions and Member-States in the transition to a sustainable Aerospace industry. The JRC would be interested in applying such knowledge on designing policies and instruments to incentivise the green transition of the sector;
  4. Disaster Risk Management and National Budgetary Frameworks to inform DG ECFIN’s policy recommendations on how to integrate climate disaster risk in prudential budgetary practices;
  5. How a circular economy may reduce dependence on foreign imports and the role of harmonised waste collection in unlocking economies-of-scale in the EU single market for secondary raw materials, to complement research ongoing at the JRC;
  6. The role of monetary policy in mitigating climate change and promoting the transition to a carbon-neutral economy and society, that DG ECFIN would integrate in its own research on the topic;
  7. Green Budgeting, further developing the work began by DG ECFIN, the IMF and the OECD;
  8. Green Bonds and Green Financial Markets, that would inform the European Commission’s participation in international fora such as G7/G20;
  9. The Macroeconomic aspects of climate change, that shall reinforce policy knowledge and inform forthcoming policy recommendations issued by DG ECFIN;
  10. Micro data methods to distinguish green and brown jobs in order to assess adjustment needs in the green transition in EU countries, a research topic of interest to DG ECFIN;
  11. The distributional consequences of the green transition, also of interest to policymakers at DG ECFIN.

Each Research Pitch should last no more than 4 min and use at most a single static slide. The organisers of the Annual Research Conference shall invite no more than 15 pitches, implying your application may be rejected due to this limitation.

To apply, please send to by 01 August 2022 a 50- to 100-word summary of your research clearly identifying the topic from the above list with which it matches, including the motivation, question, hypothesis, and findings of your research, along with your contact details and the link to your academic profile.

You may also send a video of your pitch: the organisers shall publish on the Conference website both selected and non-selected pitches.

Officials at the JRC and ECFIN working on the policy initiatives pertinent to your research shall assess your application.

You will be notified about the acceptance of your pitch by 20 August 2022.

You may send your questions on the Call for Pitches or the Conference to