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Pablo Cortés Achedad

Secretary-General for Research and Innovation, Department of University, Research and Innovation, Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain.
Pablo Cortés Achedad

Pablo Cortés is Professor at the University of Seville. He graduated in 2000 from the US in Industrial Organisation Engineering and was trained in Industrial Engineering. He is attached to Hispalense’s Department of Industrial Organisation and Business Management II and has a broad track record in the field of research, innovation and technology transfer. He is the author of more than two hundred international publications from articles, books, chapters and conference minutes, most of his research articles with a significant scientific impact, listed in the JCR on the Web of Science. Furthermore, he has a number of patents licensed and in operation by industrial companies.

With relevant experience in leading R&D teams, he has led numerous State Plan projects, as well as European funding projects under its Framework Programmes and Horizon 2020. He has been an evaluator and reviewer of different R&D programmes for the European Commission and the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME).

His experience in directing R&D contracts for the industrial sector and the productive fabric is also noticeable.

In the area of management, it should be noted that he was Secretary-General for Enterprise, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the Regional Government of Andalusia in the previous legislature, and previously also Director of the OTRI of the University of Seville (2009-2012), Managing Director of the Andalusian Research and Industrial Cooperation Association (AICIA) from 2012 to 2107 and secretary of the Asociación para la Desarrollo de la Ingeniería de Organización-Adingor (2007-2010).