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14112023 EU-Africa Event Agenda
14112023 EU-Kazakhstan Business Forum Agenda
14112023 EU-Africa Event Presentations
14112023 EU-Kazakhstan Business Forum Presentations
Joint Statement from the 8th U.S. –EU SME Workshop in the Framework of the Transatlantic Economic Council
Belarus - labour market information system
Armenia - make it match network
ECFIN - European Economic Forecasts
EMPL Entrepreneurship Competence framework
Belarus - labour market information system (Russian)
EMPL - NewSkillsAgenda
Georgia - Entrepreneurial skills
TAXUD contribution to Eastern Partnership Platform 2
ETF-EaP Skills strategies
Ireland - Skills need identification system
OECD - Benchmarking and performance
Ukraine - Skills SME strategy
Enterprise Performance and SME Policiess_Final
Enterprise Performance and SME Policies s_Webfriendly
Overview of EU instruments contributing to the Internationalisation of European businesses
TAIEX COSME Workshop and Access to Finance Day in Skopje: 10-11 November 2015
M4G Panama (11-06-2014) and Argentina (12/13-06-14) - Letter of invitation to Mr Lehnhoff (03-04/2014) - President Cooperatives Europe
Internationalisation of European SMEs
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