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Industrial Cooperation Work Programme 2018-2020
The Mediterranean Middle East and North Africa 2018 – Interim Assessment of key SME reforms
Moyen-Orient méditerranéen et Afrique du Nord 2018 – Évaluation intermédiaire des principales réformes en faveur des PME
Programme de travail coopération industrielle 2018-2020
Agenda UfM technical expert meeting 13 March 2018
Agenda UfM Technical meeting
European Investment Plan
Industrial Policy Strategy
EU support to SMEs
OECD ETF final PPT Brussels 13 March 2018
Final Economic Development in the Southern Neighbourhood
Social Economy
Report UfM TechExpMtg 13.03.2018
Union for the Mediterranean expert technical meeting on industrial cooperation report
Agenda - Union for the Mediterranean experts technical meeting on industrial cooperation
EU Trade flows and balance
Agenda of the working party on Euro-Mediterranean industrial cooperation, Brussels, 08/03/2017
GROW/H2 - FR - Programme of Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Digital integration, energy and resource efficiency - opportunities in textile and clothing value chains across the Euro-Mediterranean Area (27-28.04.2015, Krakow, Poland)
Registration form for Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Digital integration, energy and resource efficiency - opportunities in textile and clothing value chains across the Euro-Mediterranean Area (27-28.04.2015, Krakow, Poland)
Programme of Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Digital integration, energy and resource efficiency - opportunities in textile and clothing value chains across the Euro-Mediterranean Area (27-28.04.2015, Krakow, Poland)
Online tools for implementing the charter
Presentation Euromed conference on textile 2014 - B. Hoekman European University Institute
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