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MDCG 2019-16 - Guidance on Cybersecurity for medical devices
NACSET project - Navigation Authentication through Commercial Service-Enhanced Terminals - final report
10th anniversary of the defence and security procurement directive
SECURITY ASPECT LETTER For Invitation to Tender No 723/PP/GRO/COPE/18/11071
Commission decision on the adoption of the work programme for 2018 and on the financing of the 'Preparatory action on Defence research', and authorising the use of unit costs under the preparatory action - C(2018)1383/F1
Joint report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the Joint Framework on countering hybrid threats - a European Union response
Study on techniques addressing security and privacy aspects of civil operations of drones in Europe
Satellite Communication to support EU Security Policies and Infrastructures
GROW/H3 - e-Skills for Cloud computing Cyber - security and green IT
Ethics of Security and Surveillance Technologies - Opinion No. 28 of European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies
Statement from the Security Research Conference, 9-10 December 2014
A new deal for European Defence - Implementation Roadmap
Space and Security Conference - joint conclusions
Citizens' summary on Implementation Roadmap for Communication on European Defence and Security Sector
A New Deal for European Defence - Implementation Roadmap for Communication COM(2013)542
The CLOSEYE project in tender stage
Results of the public consultation on certification of alarm systems and system components
High Level Conference on the Future of the European defence sector - draft programme
Results of the public consultation on certification of airport screening equipment
Citizen's summary on reforming the defence and security sector
Towards a more competitive and efficient defence and security sector - A new deal for European Defence
EU Research for a Secure Society
Study on Civil Military Synergies in the field of Security
Study on Civil Military Synergies in the field of Security
Public Consultation on the preparation of a new Communication on an Industrial Policy for the Security Industry
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