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Workstream 3 - NSBs peer-review - Report and Recommendations
EU - LCI values summary fact sheets batch 6
15112023 10th Annual High-Level Conference on Raw Materials Agenda
15112023 10th Annual High-Level Conference on Raw Materials Presentations
EU SME Envoy - SME filter
NAMs Designathon Challenge
EU - LCI values summary fact sheets batch 5
Study on the Critical Raw Materials for the EU 2023 – Final Report
2023 Foresight study
TF3 Summary Report 2022
Addendum to the Blueprint for the development of Transition Pathways
SM30 Special edition
Monitoring report 2021 Portugal
Mobility Co-Creation Rountable - Programme
Privacy statement - launch event
Report - Portugal
SME - Procurement Monitoring Report
Privacy statement stakeholder workshop SMEI
How to Define the Value of a European Innovation Partnership - Rationales - Servajean-Hilst (002)
Study on the Value of the Innovation Partnership - The Rationale - Philippe Portier
How to Define the Value of a European Innovation Partnership - Servajean-Hilst
Study on the Value of the Innovation Partnership - Azzone
Study on the Value of the Innovation Partnership - Philippe Portier
Privacy Statement - Calls for Data
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