28 November 2023 / 11:30 - 13:00 (CET)

Event summary

The eDelivery Interoperability Forum members met for the third time this year to discuss the new presentation of the conformant solutions and services, an update to the results of the public consultations on changes in specifications, eDelivery’s contribution to third-party open-source projects, opportunities from digital ecosystems such as electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) Exchange Environment and more.

Registrations are closed for this specific meeting, but you can check the privacy statement and register for the future meetings by becoming a contact point:

If you have any additional comments or questions on the webinar, or generally concerning eDelivery or the Service Offering please reach out to us via our Service Desk.

Meeting minutes


Introduction and presentation of the agenda

Maya Madrid

The eDelivery policy officer (DG CNECT) started the meeting. 

Presentation of Conformant Solutions  

Bogdan Dumitriu

The eDelivery project officer (DG DIGIT) presented how solutions and services that undertake eDelivery conformance testing will be presented on the eDelivery website. This suggestion (amongst other actions) was in response to requests from the last Interoperability Forum meeting to give more visibility to solution and service providers.  

There were no questions or comments after the presentation.  

Profile Updates in response to consultation 

Contribution to Java WS security libraries 

Bogdan Dumitriu

Joze Rihtarsic

The eDelivery project officer elaborated on the responses received on the public consultations regarding the eDelivery AS4 and SMP 2.0 profiles. The responses are currently still being analysed but there was an indication that the draft specification will need to be amended. These updated profile(s) will be tentatively tested in an interoperability event and there will be a second public consultation in the first half of 2024. 

The eDelivery team presented its contributions to various open-source libraries implementing Java Web Service Security to add support for the cryptographic algorithms introduced by the new draft specifications. 

During the discussion, the eDelivery contributions to open-source projects were received positively.  

There was a question to understand if there would be support to test against other implementations than Java for the security algorithms because some providers might use other libraries. The project officer emphasised that no contributions to non-Java platforms are planned from the eDelivery building block, but that implementations in other platforms could be validated in an interoperability event (tbc. later in the year). 

Further discussion was postponed until there is a clear proposal for the update to the specifications.

A new digital Ecosystem using eDelivery: electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) Exchange Environment. 

Lia Potec

The eFTI project officer (DG MOVE) presented a new digital ecosystem that will be using eDelivery, the electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) Exchange Environment. The focus of the presentation was on where eDelivery Access Points would be needed for the system.  

During the discussion, the eFTI project officer explained that it is expected that e-CMR platforms will get certified as eFTI platforms and that the eFTI Regulation will apply to parcels insofar as they constitute transport of goods (and are therefore concerned by the legal requirements on provision of information that fall under the scope of eFTI).



One member of the Interoperability Forum shared how important it is to use eDelivery consistently (using the same configuration) for interoperability. 

There was a discussion on using eDelivery at national level, in particular on using PEPPOL, and how SMP and SML can be implemented in national networks.

Lastly, the eDelivery policy officer asked for suggestions on how the team can promote conformant solutions and services in a fair way. 

The question was welcome and there was a suggestion to feature interoperability demos and to hold a Webinar relating to this.

Other useful links:

About eDelivery:

The eDelivery building block helps public administrations and businesses (and indirectly citizens) to participate in eDelivery messaging infrastructures which facilitate organisation-to-organisation messaging by enabling their systems to interact with each other in a secure, reliable and trusted way. The Digital Europe Programme currently ensures the funding of the services offered by the eDelivery building block as part of its policy of promoting the adoption of common standards in different policy domains (such as eJustice, eProcurement, eCustoms, eProcurement, eHealth, etc.) under Specific Objective 5.

About the building blocks:

The Building Blocks are standards-based open and reusable digital solutions that enable basic capabilities, such as trusted authentication and secure data exchange. They offer basic capabilities that can be used in any European project to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders.

Deployed alone or as a portfolio, the building blocks allow data to become the digital lifeblood of modern services, built on the principle of interoperability. The building blocks implement the provisions of the eIDAS regulation on authentication and trust services in the internal market, a global legal and technical reference in secure, trusted cross-border authentication.

The role of the building blocks can also be seen in the digitisation and innovation of market processes. Digital solutions that respect a common standard open up balanced competition within the internal market, along with the door to innovative new processes and a greening of old, paper-based business processes.

About the Digital Europe Programme:

The Digital Europe Programme introduced some organisational changes to the provision of cross-border interoperable digital services deployed under it. This includes focused efforts to support the digital transformation of public administrations throughout Europe.

The Digital Europe Portal is the home of the eIDAS enabler building blocks: eDelivery, eIDeInvoicing, eSignature and OOTS. It is the one-stop shop for information about the building blocks. The portal provides access to tools, services and software that can be used in any European project to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders.