
1. Exchange Data Model: QueryResponseError (EDM Error Response) 

This guideline explains how to use the ebRS QueryResponse using the ebRS RegistryExceptionType syntax to implement the Business Requirements (Req ID) described for the EDM Error Response. The guideline provides specific details for each class and information elements including the underlying standards, data types and cardinalities to produce conformant XML documents. In the following sections, we describe the XML serialization of the EDM Error Response in the same hierarchical order of the corresponding Exchange Data Model.

The Exchange Data Model in the figure below provides an overview of the information elements and their associations contained in the EDM Error Response. The EDM Error Response is a message created by the Evidence

Provider (EP) or more precisely, the entity returning an error message (ErrorProvider), which contains all the necessary parameters to perform the following actions:

  • to either negatively respond to an Evidence Request due to an exception arising at the Error Provider (e.g. Evidence Provider or Gateway) or
  • to return information about the preview location and to pause an "Evidence Response" until the data subject has agreed, in that preview location, to the use evidence.

Note that rim:Slot elements are to be processed based on the value of the name attribute, not on XML document order. However, it is good practice to following the order as presented in the diagram below.

Error Response

To form a valid "QueryResponse" in the format of an EDM Error Response at least the following elements are required:

  • the "status" of the QueryResponse;
  • the "EvidenceResponseIdentifier" providing a unique identifier of the Response Message;
  • the "SpecificationIdentifier" to identify the version of this specification;
  • the "ErrorProvider" to describe the entity that is technically responsible for creating the QueryResponse; 
  • the "Exception" itself is described through several mandatory codes and error messages. Each "Exception" must contain the "Timestamp" of the error occured.

The following Elements MUST be provided if they occur in the Evidence Request:

  • the "requestId" of the QueryRequest;
  • the "EvidenceRequester" to describe the entity that is technically responsible for receiving the QueryResponse; 

2. ebRIM Definition of the QueryResponseError (EDM Error Response)

This section defines the core ebRIM elements of the ebRS RegistryExceptionType that are used to compose a QueryResponseError (EDM Error Response). It thereby distinguishes between attributes and slots to define the Evidence Response:

Attribute Definition: The table provides an overview of the mandatory attributes and the information they contain for each QueryResponse in the format of an EDM Error Response according to the ebRIM element. 

Slot definition: The elements provide an overview of the defined ebRIM SlotType instances, which have a name and a value. The value is of type ValueType. Most rim:Slots do not contain sub-properties other than the SlotValue itself, except if they are collections. Collections refer to sources such as Core Vocabularies and a corresponding class defined in the SDG Generic Metadata Profile (see section 3). 


The table below represent the tree structure of the data models illustrated in this section. Light grey rows describe classes and define their properties and attributes. Light green rows soley illustrate the classes that are subordinated or associated to a class and therewith illustrate the tree structure of the data model. Light green rows are thus always repeated as light grey rows to describe the properties and attributes of a class. The hierarchy of the tree structure is also indicated in the first column via the '+' symbol. The rim:slots illustrated in this table (ebRIM definitions) are repeated and they are further detailed through a syntax binding to the corresponding elements of the SDG Generic Metadata Profile in the subsequent tables (red rows).

NameDefinitionCardinalityebRIM typeData TypeBusinessRulesMapping to the class of SDGR Application Profile Mapping to Core Vocabulary


EDM Error Response root element


Structure: R-EDM-ERR-S001, R-EDM-ERR-S002, R-EDM-ERR-S017



The unique identifier of the Evidence Request. Must be the same as the id attribute of the QueryRequest that generated this QueryResponse. The 'requestId' attribute of a 'QueryResponse' MUST be present unless the rs:exception/@xsi:type 'InvalidRequestExceptionType' is used to indicate that already the QueryRequest was not well formed and did not include the element. 


Structure: R-EDM-ERR-S003, R-EDM-ERR-S004



+statusElement used to define the status of the Evidence Response. 1..1AttributeIdentifier

Structure: R-EDM-ERR-S005, R-EDM-ERR-S006, R-EDM-ERR-S007

++rim:slot "SpecificationIdentifier"An identification of the specification for the EDM Error Response containing the total set of rules regarding semantic content, cardinalities and business rules to which the data contained in the instance document conforms.1..1SlotTypeStringValueType

Structure: R-EDM-ERR-S009, R-EDM-ERR-S018

Content: R-EDM-ERR-C001

++rim:slot "EvidenceResponseIdentifier"The unique identifier of the Evidence Response error message.1..1SlotTypeStringValueType

Structure: R-EDM-ERR-S010, R-EDM-ERR-S019

Use: R-EDM-ERR-C002

++rim:slot "ErrorProvider"

The Agent or organisation that returns the error message. In most cases, the Error Provider is the Evidence Provider who informs the Evidence Requester about a failed request or about additional information or about a necessary authentication and preview in his area of responsibility. However, in the case of multiple national routings (e.g. via an Intermediary Platform), an error may also be generated by an intermediary.


Structure: R-EDM-ERR-S011, R-EDM-ERR-S020

AgentCore Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile
++rim:slot "EvidenceRequester"The Agent or organisation that is requesting the evidence. The 'rim:slot "EvidenceRequester"' attribute of a 'QueryResponse' MUST be present unless the rs:exception/@xsi:type 'InvalidRequestExceptionType' is used to indicate that already the QueryRequest was not well formed and did not include the element. 0..1SlotTypeAnyValueTpye

Structure: R-EDM-ERR-S012, R-EDM-ERR-S021

AgentCore Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile


The rs:exception describes an error which occurs during the processing of an EvidenceRequest. 1..nRegistryExceptionType

Structure: R-EDM-ERR-S008

Content: R-EDM-ERR-C011, 

+++xsi:typeDescribes the nature of the error that occurred. 1..1Attributestring

Content: R-EDM-ERR-C012, R-EDM-ERR-C013



+++severityThe severity attribute value provides a severity level for the exception. The default value is "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ErrorSeverityType:Error". The value shall be defined as '' if the 'rs:AuthorizationExceptionType' is used and authentication and preview in the evidence provider's domain is required. 1..1AttributeobjectReferenceType

Content: R-EDM-ERR-C014, R-EDM-ERR-C015, R-EDM-ERR-C022

+++messageIs used to add an error message that can be shown and understood by the user of the system. The element is particularly important when you return a generic error code.1..1Attributestring

Content: R-EDM-ERR-C016

+++detailIs used to describe technical details of the error that might be needed to identify and debug the error. 0..1Attributestring

+++codeA code that corresponds to the status of the system with regard to the processing of a request. 0..1Attributestring

Content: R-EDM-ERR-C017

+++rim:Slot "Timestamp"The timestamp shows when this error has been generated.1..1SlotTypeDateTimeValueType

Structure: R-EDM-ERR-S013, R-EDM-ERR-S022

Content: R-EDM-ERR-C018

+++rim:Slot "PreviewLocation"The PreviewLocation element is used for expressing the location of the Preview Space for the evidence request. 0..1SlotTypeStringValueType

Structure: R-EDM-ERR-S014, R-EDM-ERR-S023

Content: R-EDM-ERR-C019

+++rim:Slot "PreviewDescription"The PreviewDescription element is used to provide additional explanatory information for the use of Preview Space. 0..1SlotTypeInternationalStringValueType

Structure: R-EDM-ERR-S015, R-EDM-ERR-S024

Content: R-EDM-ERR-C020

+++rim:Slot "PreviewMethod"The PreviewMethod element is used for expressing the HTTP verb to access the Preview Space. 0..1SlotTypeStringValueType

Structure: R-EDM-ERR-S016, R-EDM-ERR-S025

Content: R-EDM-ERR-C021


2.1 ebRIM QueryResponseError example

The EDM Error Responses are syntactically expressed inside an ebRS QueryResponse using the ebRS RegistryExceptionType as shown in the example below:

EDM Error Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query:QueryResponse xmlns:rim="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:4.0"
    <!-- The 'id' attribute of a 'QueryResponse' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) for each request starting with prefix "urn:uuid:" -->
    <!-- The 'status' attribute of an unsuccessfull 'query:QueryResponse' MUST be encoded as as 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Failure'. -->

    <!-- Additional slots describing the response are omitted for clarity -->

    <!-- The value of 'xsi:type' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST be a 'type' provided by code list 'EDMErrorCodes' (Exchange Data Model Error Response Codes).  -->
    <!-- The 'severity' attribute must be part of the code list 'ErrorSeverity' (Error Severity). The code '' shall not be used by this transaction.  -->
    <!-- The value of 'severity' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST  be 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ErrorSeverityType:Error' if the rs:Exception xsi:type='rs:AuthorizationExceptionType' (@code 'EDM:ERR:0001') is NOT used.  -->
    <!-- The value of 'code' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST be a 'code' matching the 'type' provided by code list 'EDMErrorCodes' (Exchange Data Model Error Response Codes). -->
    <!-- If a 'rim:Slot[@name='PreviewLocation']' is provided, the 'rs:Exception' MUST  be '' and use the rs:Exception xsi:type='rs:AuthorizationExceptionType' (@code 'EDM:ERR:0001').  -->

    <rs:Exception xsi:type="rs:TimeoutExceptionType" severity="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ErrorSeverityType:Error "
        message="Exceeding timeout period"
        detail="No response from base registry for requestID 4ffb5281-179d-4578-adf2-39fd13ccc797."

        <!-- Example for rs:Exception pointing to a required preview on the side of the Evidence Provider
        <rs:Exception xsi:type="rs:AuthorizationExceptionType" severity=""
        message="Missing Authorization"
        detail="The evidence provider requires authentication and preview and selection by the user in his domain to provide the evidence."
        code="EDM:ERR:0002"> -->

        <!-- Additional slots describing the exception and the preview if required -->


One or more rs:Exception elements  (1..n) can be put inside a QueryResponse. The following additional rules apply:

  • The value of xsi:type  attribute of a rs:Exception  MUST be a 'type' provided by code list 'EDMErrorCodes'
  • The severity  attribute must be part of the code list 'ErrorSeverity' (Error Severity). The code '' shall not be used by this transaction.
  • The value of severity  attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST be 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ErrorSeverityType:Error' if the rs:Exception xsi:type ='rs:AuthorizationExceptionType' (@code 'EDM:ERR:0002') is NOT used. 
  • The value of code attribute of a rs:Exception  MUST be a code  matching the type  provided by code list 'EDMErrorCodes' (Exchange Data Model Error Response Codes). 
  • If a rim:Slot[@name='PreviewLocation'] is provided, the rs:Exception  MUST be '' and use the rs:Exception xsi:type ='rs:AuthorizationExceptionType' (@code 'EDM:ERR:0002'). 

In the following table, the list of applicable ebRS Protocol Exceptions is provided that must be returned as xsi:type of the rs:Exception. The "detail" is a placeholder that may contain further information for specific errors. 

#MessageTypeCodeDescription (not used by the exception)
1Failed Authenticationrs:AuthenticationExceptionTypeEDM:ERR:0001

Generated when a client sends a request with authentication credentials and the authentication fails for any reason.

2Missing Authorizationrs:AuthorizationExceptionTypeEDM:ERR:0002

Generated when a client sends a request to the server for which it is not authorized.

3Syntactically or semantically invalid requestrs:InvalidRequestExceptionTypeEDM:ERR:0003

Generated when a client sends a request that is syntactically or semantically invalid.

4Object not foundrs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionTypeEDM:ERR:0004

Generated by the server when a QueryRequest expects an object but it is not found in server.

5Exceeding timeout periodrs:TimeoutExceptionTypeEDM:ERR:0005

Generated by server when a the processing of a request exceeds a server specific timeout period.

6Referenced object that cannot be resolvedrs:UnresolvedReferenceExceptionTypeEDM:ERR:0006

Generated by the server when a request references an object that cannot be resolved within the request or to an existing object in the server.

7Optional feature or capability is not supportedrs:UnsupportedCapabilityExceptionTypeEDM:ERR:0007

Generated by server when when a request attempts to use an optional feature or capability that the server does not support.

8Query Exception query:QueryExceptionTypeEDM:ERR:0008

Generated by server when a problem is encountered during the processing of a QueryRequest.

2.2 Specification Identifier example

The SpecificationIdentifier  element is used for expressing the version of the specification used for creating the referred document.

A Slot with the name of "SpecificationIdentifier" is used with the ValueType of StringValueType. In this version of the TDD specification, this MUST be set to the value oots-edm:v1.0

<!-- SpecificationIdentifier Slot -->
<rim:Slot name="SpecificationIdentifier">
    <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
        <!-- MUST be the fixed value "oots-edm:v1.0". -->

2.3. Evidence Response Identifier example

The EvidenceResponseIdentifier element is used for expressing the Unique Identifier of the response generated by the evidence provider.

A Slot with the name of "EvidenceResponseIdentifier" is used with the ValueType of StringValueType. Note that in RIM, the rim:Value for an element of type StringValueType is of type LongText which has a length limit of 256 characters.

<!-- EvidenceResponseIdentifier Slot -->
<rim:Slot name="EvidenceResponseIdentifier">
    <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
        <!-- The 'rim:Value' of the 'EvidenceResponseIdentifier' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) for each response. -->

2.4 Timestamp example

The Timestamp element is used for expressing the creation date and time of the referenced error. 

Α Slot with the name of "Timestamp" is used with the ValueType of DateTimeValueType which has an ISO timestamp value according to xsd:dateTime.

<!-- TimeStamp -->
 <rim:Slot name="Timestamp">
     <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
         <!-- The 'rim:Value' of 'Timestamp' MUST be according to xsd:dateTime.  -->

2.5 PreviewLocation example

The PreviewLocation  element is used for expressing the location of the Preview Space for the evidence request. 

Α Slot with the name of "PreviewLocation" is used with the ValueType of StringValueType which has the value of a URI. It MUST be a URI starting with 'https://'. Note that in RIM, the rim:Value for an element of type StringValueType is of type LongText which has a length limit of 256 characters.

<!-- Preview Location -->
 <rim:Slot name="PreviewLocation">
     <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
         <!-- The 'rim:Value' of a 'PreviewLocation' MUST be a URI starting with 'https://'. -->

2.6 PreviewDescription example

The PreviewDescription  element is used to provide additional explanatory information for the use of Preview Space. It provides text in possibly multiple natural languages that can be displayed to the user by the Online Procedure Portal. 

Α Slot with the name of "PreviewDescription" is used with the ValueType of InternationalStringValueType. The 'language' attribute of 'PreviewDescription' MUST be specified using the code list 'LanguageCode'. Default value "EN". Note that in RIM, the value of the attribute value of the element LocalizedString of type StringValueType is of type FreeFormText which has a length limit of 1024 characters.

<!-- Preview Description -->
 <rim:Slot name="PreviewDescription">
     <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:InternationalStringValueType">
         <!-- The 'language' attribute of 'PreviewDescription' MUST be specified using the code list 'LanguageCode'. Default value "EN". -->
             <rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="NL" value="Kies uw diploma."/>
             <rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="RO" value="Vă rugăm să selectați diploma dvs."/>
             <rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="EN" value="Please select your diploma."/>
             <rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="DE" value="Bitte wählen Sie Ihr Diplom aus."/>

2.7 PreviewMethod example

The PreviewMethod  element is used for expressing the HTTP verb to access the Preview Space. 

Α Slot with the name of "PreviewMethod" is used with the ValueType of StringValueType which has the value of a either "GET", "PUT" or "POST".

<!-- Preview Method -->
 <rim:Slot name="PreviewMethod">
     <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
         <!-- The 'rim:Value' of a 'PreviewMethod' MUST be either the HTTP verb 'GET', 'POST' or 'PUT;. -->

3. SDGR Application Profile for the EDM Error Response

The SDGR application profile for the EDM Error Response defines the semantics of the previously introduced rim:Slots defined as a collection (green components) of the Evidence Response Message. The SDGR application profile for the EDM Error Response describes how the SDG-Generic-Metadata Profile (SDG-syntax) is profiled in ebRIM in order to compose a valid QueryResponse. It therefore contains a mapping to the underlying SDG-syntax elements and necessary parameters for providing the EDM Error Response on the basis of an earlier Evidence Request.  Thus, the values for several parameters are obtained from the Evidence Provider that is responding to the Evidence Request.  The namespace of the SDG-syntax is In the following samples, the prefix "sdg" is assumed to be linked to the namespace

3.1 Error Provider slot and example

Element to describe the organisation or agent that is providing the error. In most cases the Error Provider is the Evidence Provider informing the Evidence Requester about a failed response or missing information or to preform an authentication or preview. However, in case of multiple national routings an error might be created by an intermediate, a technical endpoint (e.g. gateway) as well or by a businesses that has been accredited to supply the evidence.  

The following info box and role model illustrates the principles and agent roles that can be applied for the Error Provider.

Agent Role Model - Principles

  • The Implementing Act requires that transactions name and identify the evidence requester, the evidence provider and intermediary platforms involved into the communication (see. e.g. Article 13 1. (e))
  • The agent occurs only once. The sender of an Error Response (C1) must only name the agent (Evidence Provider, Intermediary Platform or Error Provider) that creates the Error message. 
  • A classification must be provided for sdg:Agent in Error Response for rim:Slot "ErrorProvider". Allowed values are EP, IP and EPPR. 







Core Vocabulary


rim:slot "ErrorProvider"The Agent or organisation that returns the error message. In most cases, the Error Provider is the Evidence Provider who informs the Evidence Requester about a failed request or about additional information or about a necessary authentication and preview in his area of responsibility. However, in the case of multiple national routings (e.g. via an Intermediary Platform), an error may also be generated by an intermediary.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueType


The Agent or organisation that is providing the Error Response. 



dct:AgentCore Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile
+IdentifierA unique identification for the agent.1..1Identifier
++Identifier/@schemeIDScheme identifier for the agent identification. The default value[Code] SHOULD be used. If there is no appropiate EAS scheme for the postfix, the unregistered option urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:[Code] MAY be also used togehter with a ‘ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (EEA_country subset)’ postfix.MCodeR-EDM-ERR-C003, R-EDM-ERR-C004dct:identifier


A short label for the agent. 1..nText


The language of the name. Default value "EN"MCode
+ClassificationA code to classify the agents associated to the communication. In case there are multiple agents the codes must be used to distinguish between the actual Error Provider and Intermediary Platforms that are involved in the transaction. Default value: ERRP1..1CodeR-EDM-ERR-C007cv:role
+AddressA location of the agent in the form of an address.1..1Address
locn:AddressCore Location Vocabulary
++AddressA location of the agent in the form of an address.1..1Address
locn:AddressCore Location Vocabulary

The complete address written as a string.


The name of a street, passage or way through from one location to another.


A number or sequence of characters that uniquely identifies the locator (building number, apartment number, etc.) within the relevant scope.

+++AdminUnitL1The name of the uppermost level of the address, almost always a country.1..1CodeR-EDM-ERR-C005, R-EDM-ERR-C023locn:adminUnitL1
+++AdminUnitL2The name of a secondary level/region of the address, usually a county, state or other such area that typically encompasses several localities.0..1CodeR-EDM-ERR-C006locn:adminUnitL2
+++PostCodeThe code created and maintained for postal purposes to identify a subdivision of addresses and postal delivery points.0..1Code
+++PostCityNameThe key postal division of the address, usually the city. 0..1Code

A Slot with the name of ErrorProvider  is expressed with the ValueType of AnyValueType which accepts any xml representation. In this particular case, the Agent class is used for the expression of the Error Provider information inside the AnyValueType Slot.

The value of the schemeID  attribute of the Identifier MUST not extend 256 characters and it either, MUST use the prefix '[Code]' and a code being part of the code list 'EAS' (Electronic Address Scheme ) OR it MUST use the prefix 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:[Code]' and a code being part of the code list ‘ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (EEA_country subset)’.

The value of lang  attribute of the Name MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode'. Default value "EN". 

The value of the AdminUnitLevel1  MUST be coded using the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes). It must be provided.

The value of the AdminUnitLevel2  MUST be coded using the code list 'NUTS' (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics).

The Slot  can hold information about the Evidence Provider or Intermediaries or other agents. The roles are classified through the element Classification . The value of Classification  MUST be part of the code list 'AgentClassification'. Default value: ERRP (Error Provider). The code 'ER' shall not be used by this transaction.  

<!--   ErrorProvider Slot --> 
<rim:Slot name="ErrorProvider" 
    <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
        <sdg:Agent xmlns:sdg="">
            <!-- The value of the schemeID  attribute of the Identifier MUST not extend 256 characters and it either, MUST use the prefix '[Code]' and a code being part of the code list 'EAS' (Electronic Address Scheme ) OR it MUST use the prefix 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:[Code]' and a code being part of the code list ‘ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (EEA_country subset)’. -->
            <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE7657587001</sdg:Identifier>
		 <!-- The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode'. Default value "EN".  -->
            <sdg:Name lang="EN">Authority for school and occupational training</sdg:Name>
                <sdg:FullAddress>Hamburger Str. 31, 22083 Hamburg, Germany</sdg:FullAddress>
                <sdg:Thoroughfare>Hamburger Str.</sdg:Thoroughfare>
                <!-- The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be coded using the code list 
            'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes).  -->
                <!-- The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel2' MUST be coded using the code list 
            'NUTS' (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics).  -->
            <!--   The value MUST be part of the code list 'AgentClassification'. 
        Default value: ERRP (Error Provider). The code 'ER' shall not be used by this transaction.  -->

3.2 Evidence Requester slot and example

Element to describe the organisation or agent that has requested the evidence. The agent requests the evidence, by sending an evidence request to the evidence provider, on behalf of the evidence subject.  In several cases it might be a portal/organisation that initiates the evidence request. However, the response must be returned to the Evidence Requester that initiated the evidence request and not to the portal /intermediary in case there are more than one Evidence Requesters named in the evidence request. 

No central registry of evidence requesters is required, only the minimal details required to enable legal logging of requests or facilitate the processing of the evidence request. 

The following info box and role model illustrates the principles and agent roles that can be applied for the Evidence Requester.

Agent Role Model - Principles

  • The Implementing Act requires that transactions name and identify the evidence requester, the evidence provider and intermediary platforms involved into the communication (see. e.g. Article 13 1. (e))
  • The Evidence Requester  (final recipient) must be named and identified. No classification needed.
  • The sender of a document (C1) must only name and identify the final recipient (Corner 4). The sender is not aware about Intermediary Platforms involved on the receiver side. 
  • No classification allowed for sdg:Agent in Error Response for rim:Slot "EvidenceRequester" 







Core Vocabulary


rim:slot "EvidenceRequester"The Agent or organisation that is requesting the evidence. The 'rim:slot "EvidenceRequester"' attribute of a 'QueryResponse' MUST be present unless the rs:exception/@xsi:type 'InvalidRequestExceptionType' is used to indicate that already the QueryRequest was not well formed and did not include the element. 0..1SlotTypeAnyValueTpye


The Agent or organisation that is requesting the evidence.



dct:AgentCore Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile
+IdentifierA unique identification for the agent.1..1Identifier
++Identifier/@schemeIDScheme identifier for the agent identification. The default value[Code] SHOULD be used. If there is no appropiate EAS scheme for the postfix, the unregistered option urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:[Code] MAY be also used togehter with a ‘ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (EEA_country subset)’ postfix.MCodeR-EDM-ERR-C009, R-EDM-ERR-C010dct:identifier


A short label for the agent.1..nText


The language of the name. Default value "EN"MCode

The Evidence Requester element is used to describe an organisation that requests data or documents from Evidence Providers.

A Slot with the name of EvidenceRequester  is used with the ValueType of AnyValueType which accepts any xml representation. In this particular case, the Agent class of the Core Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile is used for the expression of the Evidence Requester information inside the AnyValueType Slot.

The value of the schemeID  attribute of the Identifier MUST not extend 256 characters and it either, MUST use the prefix '[Code]' and a code being part of the code list 'EAS' (Electronic Address Scheme ) OR it MUST use the prefix 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:[Code]' and a code being part of the code list ‘ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (EEA_country subset)’.

The value of lang  attribute of the Name MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode'. Default value "EN". 

<!--   Evidence Requester  -->
<rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequester">
    <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
            <!-- The value of the schemeID  attribute of the Identifier MUST not extend 256 characters and it either, MUST use the prefix '[Code]' and a code being part of the code list 'EAS' (Electronic Address Scheme ) OR it MUST use the prefix 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:[Code]' and a code being part of the code list ‘ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (EEA_country subset)’. -->
            <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">NL22233223</sdg:Identifier>
            <!-- The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode'. Default value "EN". -->
            <sdg:Name lang="EN">Dutch University Portal</sdg:Name>
  • No labels