
The OOTS uses OASIS Regrep v4 for the syntax mapping of the EDM. It provides a standardised way of expressing messaging transactions, like queries, data creation and data updates. RegRep v4 uses the Slot mechanism for data provision, and it is extensively used in the EDM profile.

In the EDM, there are two main messages defined: The Evidence Request and the Evidence Response. The Evidence Request is the message created by the Evidence Requester, containing all the necessary information requirements for requesting datasets, whether they are structured or unstructured datasets. The Evidence Response responds to an Evidence Request with the necessary information for the correlation of the Evidence Response with the respective Evidence Request, the actual data provided and the metadata of the Evidence Provider who is the responder.

Each message defines its own information requirements that are expressed as slots. Depending on the type of request, the information requirements can vary. In the following sections, we describe the messages, the common information requirements and the specific information requirements.

The Syntax Mapping of the Data Model is further analysed, and some examples for the EDM are provided in the following pages:

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