
In this section, the business requirements of the Evidence Request, the Evidence Response and the Error Response are identified in a structured format.

1. Evidence Request Business Requirements

The following tables structure the business requirements identified for the Evidence Request. In the information entity column, we map the information entity that covers the requirement.

1.1. General Processing 



Information Entity
REQ01The Evidence Request must be identified.query:QueryRequest
REQ22The Evidence Request may express that response should use a particular natural language.query:QueryRequest


The Evidence Request must be timestamped.

rim:Slot "IssueDateTime"
REQ03The Evidence Request must point to its underlying specification.rim:Slot "SpecificationIdentifier"
REQ04The Evidence Request may point to a preview location if required by the evidence provider. rim:Slot "PreviewLocation"
REQ05The Evidence Request must indicate if the Evidence Requester requires a preview to be done. rim:Slot "PossibilityForPreview"
REQ06The Evidence Request must indicate if an explicit request was given by the Evidence Subject. rim:Slot "ExplicitRequest"

The Evidence Request must indicate the query type which is associated to the Evidence Request.



The Evidence Request must be addressable to a specific Evidence Provider via electronic address.

eDelivery Configruation Profile
REQ09The Evidence Request must indicate response type which is expected by the Evidence Response.query:ResponseOption

1.2. Procedural Requirements 

IDRequirementInformation Entity
REQ10An Evidence Request must describe the procedure in which it was created and initiated.rim:Slot "Procedure"
REQ11An Evidence Request must name the requirement for which it was created and initiated.rim:Slot "Requirements"

1.3. Evidence Requester and Evidence Provider



Information Entity

The Evidence Request must contain the identifier, name, address and classification of the Evidence Requester. 

rim:Slot "EvidenceRequester"

REQ13The Evidence Request must contain the identifier, name of the Evidence Provider. rim:Slot "EvidenceProvider"
REQ14The Evidence Request may indicate additional Evidence Provider specific classification values provided by the user which are required by the Evidence Provider to discover the evidence. rim:Slot "EvidenceProviderClassificationValues"

1.4. Evidence Subject



Information Entity
REQ15The Evidence Request must determine if the request is related to a legal person or a natural person.

rim:Slot "NaturalPerson"

rim:Slot "LegalPerson"


The Evidence Request shall use the minimum data set (mandatory elements) of the eIDAS SAML Attribute Profile v.1.2 to uniquely describe the legal person reflecting the Evidence Subject.  Additionally, optional elements and sector specific attributes may be used where appropriate. The Level of Assurance assured by the Evidence Requester for a specific concept of the eIDAS Minimum Data Set shall be also indicated.

rim:Slot "LegalPerson"

The Evidence Request shall use the minimum data set (mandatory elements) of the eIDAS SAML Attribute Profile v.1.2 to uniquely describe the natural person reflecting the Evidence Subject.  Additionally, optional elements and sector specific attributes may be used where appropriate. The Level of Assurance assured by the Evidence Requester for a specific concept of the eIDAS Minimum Data Set shall be also indicated.

rim:Slot "NaturalPerson"
REQ18The Evidence Request should describe a natural person with the authorisation and power to act on behalf of a legal entity or natural person. The Evidence Request shall therefore use the minimum data set (mandatory elements) of the eIDAS SAML Attribute Profile v.1.2 to uniquely describe the authorized natural person associated to the request as Evidence Subject.  Additionally, optional elements and sector specific attributes may be used where appropriate.rim:Slot "AuthorizedRepresentative"

1.5. Evidence Request



Information Entity


The Evidence Request must identify the evidence type and its associated data service and contain the title and description of the evidence requested from the Evidence Provider. 

rim:Slot "EvidenceRequest"
REQ20The Evidence Request must specify the preferred format of the Evidence and shall indicate a desired conformance and transformation profile if applicable. rim:Slot "EvidenceRequest"
REQ21The Evidence Request should be enabled to indicate a desired conformance and transformation profile to retrieve pieces of evidence conforming to the common data models available in the semantic repository. rim:Slot "EvidenceRequest"

2. Evidence Response Business Requirements

The following tables structure the business requirements identified for the Evidence Response.

2.1. General Processing 



Information Entity
RESP01The Evidence Response must point to the Evidence Request for which the Evidence Response was created.query:QueryResponse
RESP02The Evidence Response must indicate if the Evidence is or, subject to identification on EP side, may be available or is unavailablequery:QueryResponse
RESP03If the Evidence is unavailable, the Evidence Request MAY indicate the date and time when the evidence will be available.rim:Slot "ResponseAvailableDateTime"
RESP04The Evidence Response must point to its underlying specification.rim:Slot "SpecificationIdentifier"
RESP05The Evidence Response must be identified.rim:Slot "EvidenceResponseIdentifier"


The Evidence Response must be timestamped.

rim:Slot "IssueDateTime"

2.2. Evidence Provider and Evidence Requester



Information Entity

The Evidence Response must contain the identifier, name, address and classification of the Evidence Provider. 

rim:Slot "EvidenceProvider"

RESP08The Evidence Response must contain the identifier, name of the Evidence Requester. rim:Slot "EvidenceRequester"

2.3. Evidence and Evidence Metadata



Information Entity

The Evidence Response must identify the evidence and indicate its issuing date. 

rim:Slot "EvidenceMetadata"

The Evidence Response must declare the Evidence Subject associated to the evidence being either a natural person or a legal person. 

rim:Slot "EvidenceMetadata"
RESP11The Evidence Response must describe the authority that issued the evidence.

rim:Slot "EvidenceMetadata"

RESP12The Evidence Response must contain the evidence type and title which is associated to the evidence.  rim:Slot "EvidenceMetadata"
RESP13The Evidence Response must describe the distribution of the evidence. The distribution must at least contain the format of the evidence. The evidence may be further specified through other distribution elements such such as packaging format, compression format, language and the underlying conformance profile. rim:Slot "EvidenceMetadata"
RESP14The Evidence Response may indicate a period of validity of the evidence. rim:Slot "EvidenceMetadata"

The Evidence Response must contain an identifier that points to the internal location and filename of the evidence document. 


3. Error Response Business Requirements

The following tables structure the business requirements identified for the Evidence Response.

3.1. General Processing 



Information Entity
ERR01The Error Response must point to the Evidence Request for which the Error Response was created.query:QueryResponse
ERR02The Error Response must indicate that the Evidence Request has failed. query:QueryResponse
ERR03The Error Error Response must point to its underlying specification.rim:Slot "SpecificationIdentifier"
ERR04The Error Response must be identified.rim:Slot "EvidenceResponseIdentifier"

3.2. Error Provider and Evidence Requester



Information Entity

The Error Response must contain the identifier, name, address and classification of the Error Provider. 

rim:Slot "ErrorProvider"

ERR06The Error Response must contain the identifier, name of the Evidence Requester. rim:Slot "EvidenceRequester"

3.3. Exception



Information Entity
ERR07The Error Response must indicate the error type, the severity and provide and error message.  rs:Exception

The Error Response may provide further details and code value to describe the exception. 


ERR09The Error Response must link each error to a timestamp indicating when the error was created.rim:Slot "Timestamp"
ERR10The Error Response may indicate a preview location, preview description and preview method if the error occurred due to the need to authenticate the user and to execute a preview of the evidence on the side of the Evidence Provider.

rim:Slot "PreviewLocation"

rim:Slot "PreviewDescription"

rim:Slot "PreviewMethod"

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