Version Q3 2023

Main chapters

Change log for September 2023 release

Chapter / Location 

Area / kind of change


Location (Chapter, Section)

Date of change

High Level ArchitectureCorrection

Regarding the representative data set, amended the SAML attribute name by adding “representative” for completeness 



CorrectionThe optional attributes of the eIDAS minimum data set may also be transmitted under certain conditions. 

1.4.4 , 1.8.3


ClarificationRewording to clarify the procedures in scope 



ClarificationRewording to clarify the meaning on relying party in the context of the section



ClarificationAn intermediary platform can act can similarly to a competent authority,  1.2, 3.1, 3.3, 4.3, 5.1, 5.3, 6.2, 6.3, 7.1, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.9, 10.1


Specification for use of the PowerOfRepresentationScope sector specific OOTS eIDAS attribute and the controlled values vocabulary. 

NB: follow-up to short-term action agreed in EUDI Wallet & Synergies Contact Group. Provisional content to allow MS to prepare implementation. The attribute has not been formally approved and published yet.  


User identification and authenticationCorrection

Regarding the representative data set, added the amendment of the SAML attribute name by “representative” for completeness, 2.3.3,  2.3.2


CorrectionReference to Intermediary Platforms where Online Procedure Portal is mentioned



CorrectionAdded the reference to the LoA in the DSD




Changed the title of section 2.1.2




Changed the title of section 2.3.2



ClarificationRewording to clarify the procedures in scope 



ClarificationRewording to explain the meaning of eIDAS authentication in this context. 




Specification of the use of the PowerOfRepresentationScope sector specific OOTS eIDAS attribute. 

NB: follow-up to short-term action agreed in EUDI Wallet & Synergies Contact Group. Provisional content to allow MS to prepare implementation. The attribute has not been formally approved and published yet.



Clarified that the attribute may (in the future) be exchanged during eIDAS authentication of the user. If it is available from eIDAS, it must be included in the OOTS  evidence request.


Common ServicesClarificationAdded clarification on the understanding how EvidenceTypeList and EvidenceTypes prove requirements3.2.2, 3.2.4 (4.3), 3.2.5 (5.4)



Clarifying the use of component sdg:DistributedAs  to markup structured and unstructured sdg:DataServiceEvidenceTypes.

Including Diagram, description and improvement of element definitions. The corresponding rules where changed to allow the use of structured evidence types without an appropriate OOTS data model only in such cases where another sdg:DistributedAs  element exists for the same sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType  that provides a visual representation. (Rules: R-DSD-RESP-C039, R-DSD-RESP-C041, R-DSD-SUB-C038, R-DSD-SUB-C040)

3.1.4 (4.2.2/,

3.1.5 (5.5.2/, 



New Version of Codelist OOTSMediaTypes 2023-08 (Correction of Errors)

New Version of Codelist CountryIdentificationCode (Creation of Alpha-2 code  refactored subset for ISO 3166 which uses country code EL for Greece instead of GR)

Impact: this change is considered a correction rather than a breaking functional change as there are no known implementations or other parts of the specification that assume or depend on use of the Alpha-3 code. 



Functionality (Breaking change)

New Version of Codelist due to new URIs 

All URIs and URNs used in the metadata of the codelists have been  changed from "" to "". New version 2023-08 of all OOTS codelists 


  • Implementations of the previous and current specifications that validate the URI are not compatible.



Functionality (Breaking change)

New multilingual element "sdg:Note" (0..n) in sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType

Adding new xsd element sdg:Note to sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType in SDG-GenericMetadataProfile-v1.0.0.xsd and adjusting the corresponding implementation guidelines and XML examples for the DSD a including associated rules (R-DSD-RESP-C042, R-DSD-RESP-C043, R-DSD-ERR-C026, R-DSD-ERR-C027, R-DSD-SUB-C041, R-DSD-SUB-C042) and schematron files to support the new xsd element. The multilingual note, page or document about a DataServiceEvidenceType may contain any additional information helpful for the user to execute the process (e.g. payment information, date since which evidences are available)


  • XML instances based on the previous XSD version remain valid against the updated version and can be processed by systems designed to support the new XSD.
  • XML instanced based on the updated XSD that use the new element are not valid against the previous XSD and are not compatible with systems that perform XSD validation.  
  • Some implementations based on the previous XSD version may simply ignore new element content.

3.1.4 (4.3. 4.4)

3.1.5 (5.3.1, 5.5)



Correction of some data models in the EB Query and EB LCM

Some data models in the EB Query and EB LCM did not contain the lang attribute and correct cardinalities for Requirement Name. However, the tables, XML Examples and XSD were correct. All requirement structures now comprise name: text (1..n) and name/@lang (M)

3.2.4 (4.2.1, 4.3.1 )

3.2.5 (5.2.3, 5.4.1)



Correction of some tables and data models in DSD Query and DSD LCM 

All tables and data models in the DSD Query and DSD LCM did not contain the lang attribute and correct cardinalities for Publisher Name. All Publisher structures now comprise name: text (1..n) and name/@lang (M). Corresponding Business Rules have been added (R-DSD-RESP-C046, R-DSD-RESP-C047, R-DSD-SUB-C045, R-DSD-SUB-C046)

3.1.4 (4.3 )

3.1.5 (5.3.2 5.5)


Functionality (Breaking change)

New multilingual element Name (0..n) in Access Service

The DSD Query and DSD LCM did not contain a name of the access service. Both transactions now contain a name of an access service to offer the possibility to label the access service. All access services now comprise name: text (0..n) and name/@lang (M). Corresponding XML examples have been amended and  Business Rules have been added (R-DSD-RESP-C044, R-DSD-RESP-C045, R-DSD-SUB-C043, R-DSD-SUB-C044)


  • XML instances based on the previous XSD version remain valid against the updated version and can be processed by systems designed to support the new XSD.
  • XML instanced based on the updated XSD that use the new element are not valid against the previous XSD and are not compatible with unmodified systems that perform XSD validation.
  • Some implementations based on the previous XSD version may simply ignore new element content.

3.1.4 (4.3 )

3.1.5 (5.3.2 5.5)



Start of migration to a refactored option for DSD LCM

For the DSD Life Cycle Management (LCM) a new refactored specifications is provided (as decided by the TDD subgroup in the meeting on  ) . It will not immediately replace the currect baseline specification. Both specifications, the baseline and the refactored, will be supported by the Common Services. The refactored version will be phased-in after the Q3 2023 release of the TDD.

For MS that have not yet implemented LCM for the DSD and plan to do so, it is recommended to ignore the baseline version and instead start directly with the refactored version. The baseline version may be phased out at a later stage. The differences between baseline and refactored are summarized as follows:

  1. LCM Interface Specification of the DSD - Baseline (chapter 3, section 3.1.5, abbrev. DSD-SUB): Provides the inital specification of the DSD LCM. The model does not separate AccessService  and Publisher  as seperate registry objects of an Evidence Provider. This is not a real programmatic Common Services problem but logically incorrect from the underlying DSD LCM data model. In this baseline, each Publisher  must have its own entry for Access Service . Thus, AccessServices that are used by multiple Publishers cannot be associated to Publisher  but must be repeated in each Evidence Provider registry object.
  2. Note: Due to some impossible but necessary validations of dependencies between DataServiceEvidenceTypes and EvidenceProviders, the associations had to be redefined after the subgroup approval of the Q3 release on 01.09.2023. The associations described in bullet 2. are not valid anymore. Instead new associations have been defined as described under bullet 3. :  LCM Interface Specification of the DSD - Refactored (chapter 3, section 3.1.6, abbrev. DSD-SUB_RF): Corrects the logical problems of the inital model and lists the AccessService as another RegistryObject that can be associated with evidence types and publishers. Thus, the new classification node AccessService  and the new association ProvidesAccess  (linking up DataServiceEvidenceType  with AccessService) is introduced. Due to the change, the semantics of the classification node EvidenceProvider  and the association ServesEvidenceType are also changed. EvidenceProvider  now only comprises the Publisher . The association ServesEvidenceType  links the EvidenceProvider  with AccessService.
  3. LCM Interface Specification of the DSD - Refactored (chapter 3, section 3.1.6, abbrev. DSD-SUB_RF): Corrects the logical problems of the inital model and lists the AccessService as separate RegistryObject. Thus, the new classification node AccessService is introduced and the associations of the LCM for the DSD are redefined. The association ProvidesEvidenceType now links up EvidenceProvider with DataServiceEvidenceType and the association UsesAccessService  reflects the relation between EvidenceProvider  and AccessService 

The underlying dependencies and business rules that made the change necessary are described in new section (baseline) and (refactored). In the baseline three rules have been added to check the underlying dependencies without chaing the underlying model.


  • As the EC Common Services implementation is currently the only consumer of LCM submissions and will support both the baseline and refactored LCM submission feature, there is no immediate practical impact on any existing MS implementations.



Redefinition on  

New content

New rules created to reflect the cardinality change of Publisher in AccessService

XSD cardinality changes of sdg:Publisher (from mandatory to optional) affected the existing DSD Query and DSD LCM baseline where the Publisher is a mandatory element. Corresponding Business Rules have been added to ensure the use of publisher in these transactions (R-DSD-SUB-S038, R-DSD-RESP-S017).

3.1.4 (4.3 )

3.1.5 (5.3.2 5.5)



Correction of rules for EB LCM and DSD LCM

The following rules have been changed (R-EB-SUB-S036, R-EB-SUB-S038, R-EB-SUB-S040, R-DSD-SUB-S028) and split by adding (R-EB-SUB-S057, R-EB-SUB-S058, R-EB-SUB-S059, R-EB-SUB-S060, R-DSD-SUB-S036, R-DSD-SUB-S037) in order to ensure the correct functioning of the validation of the EB LCM and DSD LCM process with regard to the use of source and target  objects in the associations expressed by registry objects.

3.1.4 (5.5)

3.2.5 (5.4)



Refinement in the handling of the severity attribute 

The rule R-EB-ERR-011 was split into the rules R-EB-ERR-011 and R-EB-ERR-018 to better validate the severity attribute of the EB Error Response.

3.2.4 (4.4)



Clarification of the use of country code parameter in EB queries

An Information Box has been added upfront to the EB queries to clarify to which country a query should be addressed.

  • The first query of the Evidence Broker (Get List of Requirements) is intended to establish the context of the Evidence Requester in order to identify the requirements of the procedure to be carried out.
  • The second query of the Evidence Broker (Get Evidence Types for Requirement) determines the context of the Evidence Provider in order to identify the Evidence Types in the Evidence Providing Member State.



In diagram EB LCM "Requirement", cardinality of @lang  is M, not [ 1..1 ]




Clarification of the use of country codes in Common Services discovery

The clarification on country codes to be used for the three CS API queries also applies to the Common Services discovery feature. 




Added the specific DNS name template that will be used for common service discovery.



Fixed wrong subsection numbering

There were two sections number "3":  discovery of common services and proxy caching. The latter is now "4", and the references are "5" 




Clarify that OOTS proxy caches are allowed to serve stale content if an error occurred in accessing the Common Service origin server




Document the use of HTTP status codes in the common service REST binding.



Added specific values for AS4 headers for use with LCM. (They were in the referenced OASIS specification, but including them here directly is more convenient).



Specification of three alternative common service "read" access control mechanisms. 

  • A:  no access control (public access)
  • B:  access limited based on network address (whitelisting)
  • C: access granted based on TLS client certificate 

Provision specification pending decision (expected end of September). After a decision is made, to be edited to reflect the choice.




New section on Common Services logging.

Partially relates to the three option for "read" access.

After a decision is made, to be edited to reflect the choice.




Correction in URI names

All URIs in all parts of this chapter that referenced "" are updated to "" 



New optional slot SpecificationIdentifier in LCM

An optional element rim:Slot "SpecificationIdentifier"  was introduced to indicate the version of the LCM specifications and to distinghish between DSD baseline and DSD refactored LCM. Note:

  • For the DSD LCM Refactored the use of the rim:Slot "SpecificationIdentifier"  is mandatory with value "oots-lcm:v1.0"
  • For the DSD LCM Baseline the use of the rim:Slot "SpecificationIdentifier"  is not allowed.
  • For the EB LCM the use of the rim:Slot "SpecificationIdentifier" is only mandatory in cases where a SubmitObjectsRequest is combined with DSD LCM Refactored.

A generic model has been integrated to section 3.6 to illustrate the common element for LCM better for the EB and DSD.


  • This slot is restricted to, and serves to indicate the use of, the new refactored DSD LCM. As the EC Common Services implementation is currently the only consumer of LCM submissions and will support both the baseline and refactored LCM submission feature, there is no immediate practical impact on any existing MS implementations.


3.1.1 (3.1.5./3.1.6)

3.2.1 (3.2.5)


Functionality (Breaking change)

New multilingual element "sdg:Description" (0..n) in sdg:Publisher

Adding new XSD element sdg:Description to sdg:Publisher in SDG-GenericMetadataProfile-v1.0.0.xsd and adjusting the corresponding implementation guidelines and XML examples for the DSD including associated rules (R-DSD-RESP-C048, R-DSD-RESP-C049, R-DSD-SUB-C047, R-DSD-SUB-C048) and schematron files to support the new xsd element. The description about a publisher may contain any additional information helpful for the user to understand the entity and execute the process


  • XML instances based on the previous XSD version remain valid against the updated version and can be processed by systems designed to support the new XSD.
  • XML instanced based on the updated XSD that use the new element are not valid against the previous XSD and are not compatible with unmodified systems that perform XSD validation.
  • Some implementations based on the previous XSD version may simply ignore new element content.

3.1.4 (4.3 )

3.1.5 (5.3.2 5.5)



New section for business rules of the EB and DSD

All business rules have been moved into a new separate section and have been deleted from the previous subsections. The business tables are now generated as html files from business rules xlsx in git to ensure better maintanance and minimize inconsistencies between different sources. 

3.1.7. Business Rules (DSD)

3.2.6 Business Rules (EB) 

3.7. Business Rules of the Regrep LCM



Consistent use of attribute checkReference in LCM

According to CS API specifications the use of the RegRep attribute checkReferences is mandatory and MUST be "true". However, the LCM specifications of the EB and DSD did not consider the attribute in the Data Models, Examples and Tables. The element was included to all DSD and EB LCM descriptions. In section 3.6 it was noted that if the references are not resolveable an UnresolvedReferenceException will be returned. The list of Error codes for the LCM did not include this exception type. The description was changed so that unresolved reference will be responded by the server with  rs:InvalidRequestExceptionType (LCM:ERR:0003)


3.1.5 (5.5)

3.1.6 (6.5)

3.2.5 (5.4)


Evidence ExchangeCorrection

Corrected a diagram that used a removed feature

The BPMN diagram diagram referenced a feature from an earlier draft that has been removed.  Corrected the diagram,




This section only covered the single request-response flow.

Added a second diagram and a new section on flow choreograph  that covers the two flows.


Detection and elimination of duplicate requests 

Document that requests have unique identifiers and are to be processed at most once. Duplicate requests (duplicate in the sense of reusing an identifier) are to be rejected. Similarly, responses reference uniquely identified requests. For a request there is at most one response. Duplicate responses (duplicate in the sense of reusing an identifier) are to be rejected.


Added a subsection on timeouts for OPP and DS.

OPP and DS implement a configurable timeout feature. Timeouts on DS should take into account automated and manual processing and should allow sufficient time for user review. They are reported to the OPP as timeout exception.



Clarified handling of structured and unstructured evidences

Clarifying the use of component sdg:DistributedAs  to markup structured and unstructured sdg:DataServiceEvidenceTypes. Including Diagram, description and improvement of element definitions. The corresponding rules were changed to Warnings in order to allow the use of structured evidence types without an appropriate OOTS data model and  visual representation in exceptional cases and if explicitly wished by the user. (Rules: R-EDM-REQ-C070, R-EDM-RESP-C044, R-EDM-RESP-C045)

4.5.1 (3.5)



Clarified the interpretation of the date and time of explicit request 

If the request is issued upon explicit request by a user, the issue date time of the request must not be materially different from the date and time at which the user provided his/her explicit request.

New contentAdding the ebMS header to each example describing the Evidence Exchange. Correction of existing examples. 




Corrected wrong value "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ErrorSeverityType:PreviewRequired" with correct value '" in rs:Exception/severity

4.5.3 (2)


Functionality (Breaking change) 

Change in cardinality of the Requirement and Procedure slots.

The elements query:QueryRequest/rim:Slot[@name='Requirement'] and query:QueryRequest/rim:Slot[@name='Procedure'] are now made mandatory (from 0..1 to 1..1) in the EvidenceRequest. Business Rules (R-EDM-REQ-S007, R-EDM-REQ-S011) and Schematrons have been changed accordingly.


  • Evidence requests based on the previous version of the specification that do not include one or both Slots are not valid against the current specification version.
  • Evidence requests based on the current version of the specification are valid against and compatible with the previous specification version.




Functionality (Breaking change)

Allow the receiver of the evidence request to understand which country sends an Evidence Request / Evidence Response and Evidence Error Response

New rules to make the use of the country mandatory for the main sender of a document (currently optional). Change also highlighted in the EDM data models. Reasoning is to understand which country sends an Evidence Request / Evidence Response and Evidence Error Response. 

  • Evidence Request: A value for 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be provided if the sdg:Agent/sdg:Classification value is "ER" (R-EDM-REQ-C072, R-EDM-REQ-C073)
  • Evidence Response: A value for 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be provided if the sdg:Agent/sdg:Classification value is "EP" (R-EDM-RESP-C046, R-EDM-RESP-C047)
  • Error Response: A value for 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be provided (R-EDM-ERR-C023)


  • XML content based on the previous version of the specification that does not include AdminUnitLevel1 is not valid against the current specification version.
  • XML content based on the current version of the specification is valid against and compatible with the previous specification version.







Explain the semantics of an empty RegistryObjectList

Document that a RegistryObjectList in a response may be empty for two reasons:

  • there are no pieces of evidence matching the query
  • there are pieces of evidence matching the query but the user (during preview) decides not to use any of them.



Explain the semantics of the order of Slots

Document that the order of Slots is not significant, they are to be processed based on the value of their name attribute. Still good practice to follow the diagrams.



Added a link to the "patched" ebMS3 core XSD that includes the type attribute for the property element. 

4.7 (2.1)


ClarificationAdding note to the ebMS header specification that in case of exceptions the originalSender of the response message should be the Error Provider declared in the Evidence Error Response Message. 

4.7 (2.4)


CorrectionWhen referring to "Competent Authority", make sure the "or Intermediary Platform" is present.




ClarificationError reporting for violation of the implementation guide for the ebMS3 header is to use an evidence error response message, not an ebMS3 error signal message.


New implementation guideline to detail the rules and principles to implement the ebMS header for the different Evidence Exchange messages.

The new guideline illustrates the ebMS Header Model, provides examples and detailed descriptions for each concept along the ebMS specification and its relation to the OOTS and introduces a set of Business Rules for relevant information entities to prove the correct format of instances.

4.7.1, 4.7.2



The type attribute on party identifier is mandatory, not optional, in our implementation guidelines.



Specify constraints on certificates to be used in eDelivery

Added a requirement that certificates used in access points shall follow the requirements and recommendations regarding the Digital Certificates used in eDelivery.




Updated the reference to Requirements and recommendations regarding the Digital Certificates used in eDelivery to the latest version.



Corrected a wrong reference

Reference to Article 18 of IA should be to Article 17




Corrected a wrong reference

Reference to Article 17 (5) should be to 28 (6)




Added a new section on log retention. For now limited to quoting the IA 17 (4).



Clarified that preview-related functionality may be provided by Intermediary Platform.



Clarified that the evidence response contains an empty registry object list if there are no pieces of evidence matching the request for the user or if the user decides not to use any pieces of evidence.  



Corrected and elaborated on the specification of preview for different HTTP methods

Section 4.9 was internally inconsistent about the allowed HTTP methods for accessing the preview space and the return address.  4.9.4 said "PUT" or "POST",  4.9.5 said PUT or GET.   The example in 4.10 used GET.  To  not break any existing implementation, we now allow all three variants.  




Specification of encoding of parameters in preview and return URLs

The specification was also incomplete on how the URL and method parameters are to be provided (to preview and to return).   




Clarified the life-cycle of the preview URL. 

A URL can be used at most once and only during a defined interval. 



Add randomness to preview URL and return URL

Preview URL and return URL should include a random component (i.e. not just be unique but also unpredictable); .

Impact limited to implementations that do not already use e.g. UUID-4:

  • Change in DS/PS for preview URL 
  • Change in OPP/IP for return URL 




Fixed RFC reference



Explicitly state that portal is to (re)confirm identity of returning user (i.e. knowledge of the return URL is not enough).



Also define format and life-cycle of return URL



Reminder to recommend use of same eID for the two authentications



The subsection on previewing multiple evidences was too suggestive/speculative. It is now limited to documenting the benefits of user sessions to obviate the need for re-authentication. Renamed the section to better match the content.



Correction of URIs

All URIs in all parts of this chapter that referenced "" are updated to "" 



New tables for business rules of the Evidence Exchange

The business tables are now generated as html files from business rules xlsx available in GIT to ensure better maintanance and minimize inconsistencies between different sources. 



New content

Description for the use of the sector specific attribute "PowerOfRepresentationScope"

In the context of the SDG, the sector specific "PowerOfRepresentationScope" attribute may be available from the eIDAS authentication of the user to the Online Procedure Portal or Intermediary Platform.  It may contain the power of representation scope of a representative person representing a different represented person. If retrieved from eIDAS, it MUST be included as sdg:SectorSpecificAttribute of the rim:Slot "AuthorizedRepresentative" (see chapter 2.3 and descriptions in chapter 4.5.4, section 3.6.3 of Authorized Represenative slot and example). Also Examples in section 4.5.4 and Git were updated.

4.5.1 (3.6.3)



Related ArtifactsCorrection

Corrected/updated several XML examples

Updated EB/Complete XML examples "4.3 Get Evidence Types for Requirement Query" and LCM\Complete XML Example "5.4 LCM Submit Objects to the Evidence Broker - Bulk submission" with the correct use of evidence type lists and evidence types, specifically the example about Secondary Education



Clarification / CorrectionAdding the ebMS header to each example describing the Evidence Exchange. Correction of existing examples. Update of

Git (XML): Request-Response Samples (4.5.4 ...) and



Correction of OOTS Media Type code list

New Version of Codelist OOTSMediaTypes 2023-08 - Correction of typo "unstructred" and normalization of codelist value for "svg". Update of associated gc, xlsx and xml files and CS description

GIT (codelist): OOTS/OOTSMediaTypes-Codelist.gc and associated files in xlsx directory 


Functionality (Breaking change)

New Version of Codelist due to new URIs 

All URIs and URNs used in the metadata of the codelists have been  changed from "" to "". New version 2023-08 of all OOTS codelists. Update of associated gc, xlsx and xml files and CS description. 


  • Implementations of the previous and current specifications that validate the URI are not compatible.

GIT (codelist)



Correction of country code list

New refactored subset version of codelist CountryIdentificationCode - Creation of Alpha-2 code subset for ISO 3166, Removal of Alpha-3 code values, reflecting usage of country code EL for Greece instead of GR

GIT (codelist): External/CountryIdentificationCode-2.3.gc


New Content

Several new examples and schematrons for Refactored LCM

Introduce new sections for XML Examples and Snippets for Refactored DSD LCM (3.1.6). Rename existing DSD LCM into - DSD LCM Baseline (3.1.5)

Adding schematrons for Refactored DSD LCM (DSD-LCM_RF)

Note: Due to some impossible but necessary validations of dependencies between DataServiceEvidenceTypes and EvidenceProviders, the associations had to be redefined after the subgroup approval of the Q3 release on 01.09.2023. The examples and schematrons of the Refactored DSD LCM have been updated accordingly.

Schematrons have been added for the Baseline DSD LCM to prove these dependencies without changing the actual underlying model. 




Redefinition on


New Content

New schematrons (EDM-ebMS) for ebMS header validation (Evidence Exchange)



Functionality (Breaking change)

Addition of optional element Name  for use with AccessService

The XSD was updated with a Name element to allow a name of the Access Service to be presented in the Common Services user interface. An element sdg:Name was added to the <xs:element name="AccessService" type="sdg:DataServiceType"/>. 


  • XML content based on the previous version of the XSD is valid against the current XSD version.
  • XML content based on the current version of the XSD that uses the element is not valid against the previous XSD version.
  • Some implementations based on the previous XSD version may simply ignore new element content. 


XSD (SDG-GenericMetadataProfile-v1.0.0.xsd)




Functionality  (Breaking change)

Refactoring the XSD to support new refactored LCM feature

The XSD was updated to implement the required changes for refactored DSD LCM process which holds Access Service and Publishers as separate registry objects:

  • The cardinality of name="Publisher" of the <xs:complexType name="DataServiceType"> was changed from from minOccurs="1"  to minOccurs="0" 
  • A new declaration was added for <xs:element name="Publisher" type="sdg:EvidenceProviderType"/>

The XSD cardinality changes affected the existing DSD Query and DSD LCM baseline where the Publisher is a mandatory element. Corresponding Business Rules have been added to ensure the use of publisher in these transactions (R-DSD-SUB-S038, R-DSD-RESP-S017). 


  • XML content based on the previous version of the XSD is valid against the current XSD version. 
  • XML content based on the current version of the XSD that uses the element is not valid against the previous XSD version. 

See above on explanation that, as the EC Common Services implementation is currently the only consumer of LCM submissions and will support both the baseline and refactored LCM submission feature, there is no practical impact on MS implementations.


XSD (SDG-GenericMetadataProfile-v1.0.0.xsd)




Updating the EB LCM and DSD LCM Schematrons to reflect associations 

The following rules have been changed (R-EB-SUB-S036, R-EB-SUB-S038, R-EB-SUB-S040, R-DSD-SUB-S028) and split by adding (R-EB-SUB-S057, R-EB-SUB-S058, R-EB-SUB-S059, R-EB-SUB-S060, R-DSD-SUB-S036, R-DSD-SUB-S037) in order to ensure the correct functioning of the validation of the EB LCM and DSD LCM process with regard to the use of registry objects and source and target  objects in the associations expressed by registry objects.






Updating DSD related XML artifacts to reflect XSD update

All DSD related XML artifacts have been changed. The element sdg:AccessService/sdg:Name and sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType/sdg:Note has been added. 


xml/LCM (3.1.5, 3.1.6)

xml/DSD (3.1.3, 3.1.4)



Adding tooling to generate HTML documentation from the current Excel format (via XML).

Different files can be generated for combinations of worksheets. This makes it easier to include the content in the Wiki.




Fixed an issue with the code list Excel sheet. 

Due to presence of a column for NO in the procedures sheet,  but no actual values,  the values for some other languages (alphabetically after NO) had the wrong language reference. 


Procedure Codelist.gc


New content

Ease offline validation 

Some (100% non-functional) XSD changes to allow fully offline validation:

  • OOTS driver import XML XSD
  • Separate version of OOTS driver that imports local copies of the RegRep4 XSDs.
  • Created local copies of the XML XSD and XSD XSD. 
  • Edited the local copies of the RegRep4 XSDs to reference local copies of the XML XSD and the XSD XSD.  


... sdg/oots_driver_v1.0.0.xsd

... driver_v1.0.0_local_imports.xsd


Updated the local copy of the ebMS3 XSD to not import the SOAP XSDs.

GIT ... /xsd/ebms3


Functionality (Breaking change)

New optional Description element for Evidence Provider

Adding an optional Description (0..n) to EvidenceProviderType.  This was a feature request from UX testing. 


  • XML content based on the previous version of the XSD is valid against the current XSD version. 
  • XML content based on the current version of the XSD that uses the element is not valid against the XSD version. 
  • Some implementations based on the previous XSD version may simply ignore new element content



Functionality (Breaking change)

Update the GIT content for the change to the URI on

All URIs in XML, SCH and GC file that referenced "" are updated to "" 

Impact:  the curent and previous specification versions are incompatible.



The xlink XSD imports a local copy of the XML xsd.



Summary of cumulative changes to the XSD since previous Projectathon (not a new change, only a summary. See detailed entries above):​

  • Data Service Type has a new multilingual Name (0..n)​
  • Data Service Type updated cardinality for Publisher (0..1) for use in refactored LCM​
  • Data Service Evidence Type has new multilingual Note (0..n)​
  • Evidence Provider Type has new multilingual Description (0..n)​
  • Publisher element can be used outside AccessService for use in refactored LCM


Change log for June 2023 release

The following table summarizes the changes compared to the previous release (March 2022).

Chapter / Location 

Area / kind of change


Location (Chapter, Section)

Date of change

Common ServicesCorrectionConstraint relaxed, also allowing ebCore Party ID type unregistered as values for schemeID 

3.1.4, 3.1.5

CorrectionIncluding the class "DistributedAs" to the 4.4.3. Query Error Response of the DSD requesting additional User Provided Attributes (DSD:ERR:005) and API doc. Updating Data Model, Implementation Guideline and XML examples. According to the XSD this element was mandatory and validation of the DSD failed. 3.1.4 


Updating cardinality of the classes Requirement/Related to from 0..n to 1..n

Updating cardinality of the classes Requirement/Jurisdiction to from 0..1 to 0..n

Updating cardinality of the classes EvidenceType/Jurisdiction to from 0..n to 1..n

This XSD was changed in Q1 2023 release in the query but the change wasn't adopted in the LCM. Both need to be harmonized. 



Updating cardinality of the classes ReferenceFramework to 1..n in the EB evidence type query.

Updating cardinality of the classes ReferenceFramework to 0..n in the EB requirements query.

Some models and tables were inconsistent. Both need to be harmonized so model updated.

Additionally, it was necessary to enable requirements queries without reference frameworks to support MS Development Teams to access the requirements in the EB. Thus, a note on the use of optional parameters in the EB requirements query and business rule (R-EB-REQ-S017)  was changed.  



3.2.4 (section 4.2)

Evidence Exchange

ClarificationReworded RESP02 to cover identity ambiguity 4.3

CorrectionRelaxed RESP03, indicating date and time of availability is optional4.3

EditorialIncluded the need to indicate the level of assurance as part of requirement REQ16 and REQ174.3


Constraint relaxed, also allowing ebCore Party ID type unregistered as values for schemeID 

4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3

CorrectionAligned the definition of the PossibilityForPreview slot with Art 13 (1) k. of the Implementing Act4.5.1.

Correction (Breaking change) Updated cardinalities of Procedure, Requirement slots in Evidence Request


CorrectionThe QueryExceptionType is defined in query.xsd instead of rs.xsd4.5.3.

Editorial Adding an info box and role model that illustrates the use of the agent class and thereby clarifying the different multiplicities and classification values that are allowed in the different transactions (Evidence Request, Evidence Response, Error Response) and for the actors (Evidence Requester, Evidence Provider, Error Provider.

4.5.1 (3.2, 3.3)

4.5.2 (3.1, 3.2)

4.5.3 (3.1, 3.2)

Editorial"The Requirement slot" → "The Requirements slot"


Correction (Breaking change) Changing cardinality and description of requestID and rim:slot "EvidenceRequester" from 1..1 to 0..1 in the Error Response. If the Evidence Request is not well-formed and these elements are not provided, the error response cannot provide values for it. Making the elements optional and changing the corresponding business rules R-EDM-ERR-S003 and R-EDM-ERR-S013. Both elements MUST be present in the QueryResponse, unless the rs:exception/@xsi:type 'InvalidRequestExceptionType' is used. The rs:exception/@xsi:type 'InvalidRequestExceptionType' indicates that the QueryRequest was not well-formed. 

4.5.3 (1, 2, 3.2)

4.6 (4.1)

Correction (Breaking change) Changed Business Rules description and Schematrons on Agent/Classification in the Request, Response and Error Response. 
  • In the EvidenceRequest it is be possible to specify multiple agents.  There MUST be one Agent with the classification value ER. One or more optional Agents can be defined with the classification value IP. The classification value EP and ERRP cannot be used. 
  • In the EvidenceResponse with status for EvidenceProvider it is possible to specify multiple agents.  There MUST be one Agent with the classification value EP. One or more optional Agents can be defined with the classification value IP. The classification value ER and ERRP cannot be used. 
  • In the ErrorResponse" for EvidenceProvider it is only possible to specify single agents.  Accepted classification values are EP, ERRP and IP



Path to identify the C4 in DSD response is incorrect; should be "Publisher" instead of "EvidenceProvider"

CorrectionCorrected the AS4 action value used when the QueryResponse is an evidence response as described in section 4.5.2. 4.7.5.

ClarificationThe conversation identifier is reused for all messages for a user session, it is not needed to use separate ones for different data services.


EditorialUpdated reference from era when Implementing Act was still a draft


New content (informative)Adding a new sample flow illustrating the "evidence unavailable" status response.

OOTS Guidance and UX Recommendations

Data Models

Related ArtifactsCorrectionCorrected rules for  R-EDM-REQ-C014,  R-EDM-REQ-C038,  R-EDM-REQ-S040, REC-EDM-C050. GIT

Correction (Breaking change)

Cardinality of Jurisdiction in reference framework type was changed from  0..1 to 0..n in the XSD. It was not possible to indicate multiple Jurisdictions for a single reference Framework in the EB query responses on the level of the XSD even though it was defined by the TDDs. The element had a wrong cardinality in the XSD. 

GIT (SDG-GenericMetadataProfile-v1.0.0.xsd)

API Doc updated

Correction (Breaking change)

Changed Business Rules description and Schematrons on Agent/Classification in the Request, Response and Error Response. 


Correction (Breaking change)

The requestID and rim:slot "EvidenceRequester" MAY be present in the Error Response



Updated schematron rules where just a uuid must be present so that no other characters(urn:uuid) are are allowed. 



Fixed rules containing "no other than" 


Correction (Breaking change)

Updated cardinalities of Procedure, Requirement slots in Evidence Request



SCH rule for eIDAS UID format and length update CC/CC/X..Z{9} was updated to   CC/CC/X..Z{256}, where CC is a country code from codelistGIT

Correction (Breaking change)

The xs:element name="ReferenceFramework" type="sdg:ReferenceFrameworkType" SHOULD be present. If the EB query was started with optional parameters such as 'procedure-id', 'country-code', 'jurisdiction-admin-l2' or 'jurisdiction-admin-l2', the EB always returns only those requirements that have a reference framework included. Requirements without a reference framework are not listed by the EB if optional parameters are used.  For a query without optional parameters, however, the EB returns all requirements, i.e. also those that do not have a reference framework. These are not valid instances in the sense of the follow-up processes of the OOTS. In the follow-up query of the EB "GetEvidenceType", it must be ensured that only those requirements are queried that contain a reference framework. A query without optional parameters returns requirements without corresponding reference framework to support development teams to find applicable (incomplete) requirements that need to be populated via the Life Cycle Management (LCM). 


GIT (R-EB-REQ-S017) 

Change log for March 2023

The following table summarizes the changes compared to the previous release (December 2022).

Chapter / Location 

Area / kind of change


Location (Chapter, Section)

High Level ArchitectureEditorialAdded LCM to acronym list1.Acronyms


Expanded evidence preview from (just) a service to a process to better describe the various steps, in text and Archimate diagram.


UpdateAdded language on Intermediary platform.



EditorialClarified role of user selection of MS to query.1.10.1
User identification and authenticationUpdate

Clarifications on context, reuse of eIDAS



CorrectionUpdate on the use of attributes beyond the mandatory attributes of the minimum data set of eIDAS




UpdateFigure 1 for clarification2.1.2.1.


Update reference to relying party requesting authentication to reflect previous restructure of the chapter.

CorrectionUpdate of title to reflect the restructuring.

CorrectionRestructuring to reflect the different types of representation. New sections added under this chapter.2.3.

UpdateNew example (non-normative) added for user authentication - legal person2.3.4.
Common ServicesCorrectionCorrected reference to RFC 7234 which is obsoleted by RFC 9111.



UpdateUpdated the EB jurisdiction-admin-l2 and jurisdiction-admin-l3 description.3.2.4

CorrectionUpdated cardinality of StringValue, DateValue, BooleanValue in SupportedValue in DSD from 0..1 to 0..n . Removal of currently not XSD supported ValueTypes of SupportedValue.



CorrectionUpdated the default value of the ConformsTo attribute in the DSD Query and LCM descriptions from oots:edm-v1.0 to oots-edm:v1.0 to align with Request-Response specification identifier

3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.5


Update query definition and specifications. Inclusion of codelists links, inclusion of sample flows, correction of examples.

Put a note on encoding to query parameter evidencetypeclassification of the DSD (4.2.2. Parameter Details) and requirement-id of the EB and Update of corresponding API DOC

Adding query parameter description for EvidenceProviderClassification

3.1.4 - 4.1 (DSD)

3.2.4 - 4.3 (EB)

3.2.4 - 4.2 (EB)

UpdateChange all XML examples provided in the EB and DSD query specifications. Alignment of text according to examples given. 

3.2.3 (EB), 3.2.4 (EB), 3.1.3 (DSD), 3.1.4 (DSD)

UpdateChange all XML examples provided in the EB and DSD LCM interface specifications. Alignment of text according to examples given. 3.2.5 (EB) 3.1.5 (DSD)

CorrectionUpdated cardinalities in diagrams and text in the EB and DSD LCM interface specifications.3.2.5 (EB) 3.1.5 (DSD)

Removed Gender-CodeList.gc from Semantic Repository 3.3 Semantic Repository (SR)

UpdateDocument that access to the Common Service is public.

UpdateInclusion of "detail" attribute to rs:Exception in DSD and EB queries and LCM

3.2.4 (EB), 3.1.4 (DSD)


UpdateAdded section that illustrates an EB Interaction Example Flow3.2.4 (EB) - 4.7 
Evidence ExchangeUpdate

Adding the default value  to @type in section 2.3 Static Routing Metadata of the 4.7 eDelivery configuration.



Documented that OOTS will (initially) use the current version 1.15 of eDelivery AS4 common profile and four corner profile enhancement.


UpdateAdded reference to eDelivery certficate guidance document4.7


Added a Payload Profile section that

  • describes the structure of an OOTS evidence exchange message.
  • adds the size restrictions agreed in the TDD sub-group meeting of 2023-03-09. 
  • recommends limitation to OOTS media types. 

UpdatedAdded reference to UX work on previewing multiple evidences.4.9.6

UpdateThe sample flows section was expanded. It now covers all the situations of the Projectathon and has many other corrections and extensions.4.10

UpdateUpdate all XML snippets, comments related to the use of formats and codelists and other corresponding descriptions in Syntax Mapping4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3

UpdateUpdate all XML examples, comments and corresponding descriptions in OOTS-EDM Examples of the Evidence Exchange4.5.4

UpdateAdding example upon request of an Extract of a Commercial Register4.5.4

CorrectionUpdated Authorized Representative in Data Model Diagram of Evidence Request - Alignment of PlaceOfBirth and Identifier/@schemeID4.5.1

CorrectionChanged name from 1..1 to 1..n and added lang attribute in Agent class (slots: Evidence Provider, Evidence Requester, Error Provider, Issuing Authority 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3

CorrectionAdded PostCityName to tables of Syntax Mapping where missing 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3

UpdateChanged rim:slots for procedure and requirement from 0..1 to 1..1, making it mandatory due to requirements of the IA4.3, 4.5.1

CorrectionRemoval of currently not XSD supported ValueTypes of SupportedValue.4.5.1
OOTS Guidance and UX RecommendationsUpdateOOTS Guidance is updated to reflect latest views from the guidance team.6.1

UpdateLink to UX recommendations updated6.2
Data ModelsUpdateUpdated the introductory text5

RemovalSections on three categories of data models are removed. They will be replaced by new content.




Related Artifacts


Updated cardinality of StringValue, DateValue, BooleanValue in SupportedValue in SDG-GenericMetadataProfile.xsd from 0..1 to 0..n . 

Updated cardinality of Jurisdiction relation to Evidence Type from 0..1 to 0..n in in SDG-GenericMetadataProfile-.xsd.

Updated cardinality of RelatedTo relation to ReferenceFramework from 0..1 to 0..n in in SDG-GenericMetadataProfile.xsd.

Change of OOTS XSD and OOTS Driver from version 0.99 (snapshot) to version 1.0.0


UpdateCreate new set of examples and snippets in the GIT workspace for DSD, EB, LCM and Request-ResponseDirectory OOTS-EDM/xml

UpdateCreate updated set of business rules for DSD, EB, LCM and Request-Response (Folders: "Complete XML examples" and "Snippets" in corresponding directoriesDirectory OOTS-EDM/xlsx

UpdateCreate updated set of content related schematron validation files for DSD, EB, LCM and Request-Response (all files ending with -C.sch) and tested them.Directory OOTS-EDM/sch


Bugfix DSD-SUB-S.sch and EB-SUB-S.sch.

Changed the use of default value of ConformsTo from oots:edm-v1.0 to oots-edm:v1.0 oots-edm:v1.0. 

Directory OOTS-EDM/sch

UpdateUpdated all readme files links and text aligned with the new xml samples.

Directory OOTS-EDM/xml

Directory OOTS-EDM/sch


Updated language "en" to "EN"

Replaced "rim:slot" with "rim:Slot"

Replaced code "EDM:ERR:0001" with "EDM:ERR:0002"  in R-EDM-ERR-C015

Removed rules already covered by XSD validation

Removed rules related to Gender

Changed the use of default value of ConformsTo from oots:edm-v1.0 to oots-edm:v1.0 oots-edm:v1.0

Directory OOTS-EDM/OOTS-EDM/xlsx/

UpdateUpdated Api Documentation for the Common

Change log for December 2023 release

The following table summarizes the changes compared to the Q3 2022 release (October 2022).

Chapter / Location 

Area / kind of change


Location (Chapter, Section)

High Level ArchitectureMinor variousClarified that offering preview links is no hard indication that evidences will be available1.3.3

Added Preview Area to list of core elements1.3.4

Clarified that OPP details are implementation dependent. 1.4.2

Clarify that identity information in the first loop may not be sufficient for record matching and that matching is not simple string matching.5.2

Added XSLT or other presentation information to SR section.6.4

Added reference to IA articles for DSD and EB LCM6.5

Identity attributes are not just user, may also be of represented person7.5

Clarified that eDelivery logs do not include evidence payload content9.2

Clarified that the sample flow is non-normative10.1

Fixed an incorrect cross-reference between steps in the procedure10.1
User identification and authenticationEditorial
  • Clarification on the eID notified requirement on Evidence Requester side and the cases in which re-authentication is needed on the side of the Data Service.
  • Explanation to reflect the restructuring of the entire chapter.

EditorialRenamed chapter to "Evidence requesters - user authentication and use of eIDAS"2.2

  • Clarification on the cross-border eIDAS flow
  • Changed the picture with the attributes to clarify the additional attributes
  • Clarification regarding the “available sector specific attributes”

Renamed chapter to "Evidence providers - identity and evidence matching"2.3

  • Clarification on when the use of notified eIDAS eID scheme is a mandatory requirement
  • Clarification for the case when the eIDAS notified eID scheme is issued by the Member State of the Online Procedure Portal

EditorialRenamed to "Re-authentication by the evidence provider"2.3.2

ClarificationClarification regarding the case when re-authentication is needed2.3.2
Common ServicesEditorialSplit large pages 3.2 and 3.3 into several sub-pages




Use of rim:RegistryObject for associations instead of rim:Classification in LCM examples of the EB and DSD

Also fixed definition of sourceObject and targetObject

CorrectionCardinality of Procedure Title and ReferebceFramework Title element fixed to 1..n

EditorialRule reference for ReferenceFramework added for EB

EditorialImproved spelling3.

CorrectionChanged data type of Name from Code to Text3.

Editorial API section formating of titles 3.6

SemanticsUpdated content of the Semantic Repository chapter3.3


Following review by the Security sub-group, a new separate section is added on network and transport layer security. 

  • Introduces DNSSEC
  • Further elaboration on TLS, content derived from draft future eDelivery AS4 specification. 
3.7 (new)

Existing DSD TLS section and EB TLS section now refer to the new 3.7

Added note that trust model for common services response signature and any constraints on certificates are not yet provided.

Business RulesContent related business rules updated






CodelistsCode list section updated 3.5
Evidence ExchangeCorrectionRemoved a process flow diagram that used a feature from a previous architecture that we dropped.4.4

CorrectionChanged the sample Exception to a timeout exception. Previously, it used ObjectNotFoundException but that is intended for updates, not queries.4.5.3

EditorialPut back the heading numbering 4.7

CorrectionIntroduction states that Preview Areas are on Evidence Requester side. They are instead on Evidence Provider side.4.8.1

CorrectionCorrected a reference to evidence request logging, the article number is 17 instead of


In eDelivery configuration, added a reference to the new 3.7

Also added a note on Certification Authorities for eDelivery (response to a comment of the security sub-group)


ManagementAdded a note to eIDAS dashboard or similar secure configuration sharing services (response to a comment of the security sub-group).4.7

Business RulesContent related business rules updated



CorrectionUpdated Distribution class: Removing Packaging Format and Compression Format and adding Transformation4.5.2

InformativeNew section 4.10 on evidence flow variations4.10
Related ArtifactsDocumentationAdded README files and rearranged some of the filesGIT

Generated complete documentation for the SDG and other XML schemasGIT

Improved and re-arranged the diagrams and their storageGIT

Code listsCodelists added in spreadsheet (Version 0.60 - Release Q4 - 2022-12) and Genericode formatsGIT

SchemaFixed cardinality of some multilingual text valued elementsGIT

SchemaUpdated Distribution class in XSD. Removing Packaging Format and Compression Format and adding TransformationGIT

SchemaChange of maxOccurs of JurisdictionContextId from unbounded to 1GIT

Business RulesRevised Content Related Business Rules added for Version 0.80 - Release Q4 - 2022-12 (spreadsheet)GIT

Change log - Version October 2022

The previous (Q2 2022) release of the OOTS Technical Design Documents was published in June 2022. That release was not a public release.  For those who had access to that previous release, the following table lists changes made to the technical design documents after the Q2 2022 release. The changes were based on:

  • Publication of the Implementing Act as C/2022/5628 final. 
  • Feedback on the previous release provided by some Member States.
  • Feedback and other requests from the teams developing the OOTS test service and implementing the Common Services.
  • Addition of additional implementation guidelines.
  • Many other improvements from closer scrutiny of the existing text by the editors.

Chapter / Location 

Area / kind of change


Location (Chapter, Section)

General Editorial

Changed the bibliographic entry of the Implementing Regulation now that it is published


EditorialAdded EUPL license for content of all chapters.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

EditorialRegRep identifiers of type URN UUID start with the prefix "urn:uuid"3, 4, GIT
High Level ArchitectureEditorialUpdated the links to GIT repositories for UML and Archimate to reflect the move to

ContextExplained the link of these documents to the sub-groups. 1.1.2
User identification and authenticationEditorial

Fix heading numbering in section on identity and record matching


ClarificationClarification on the processing of the unique identifier when re-authentication is performed by the Data Service.
Common ServicesDSD query functionalityProvided detailed implementation guidelines for DSD, 

DSD life cycle managementCorrected LCM model, some missing attributes3.1.5

DSD data modelProvided detailed business rules and extended examples3.1

EB query functionalityProvided detailed implementation guidelines for EB3.

EB life cycle managementRenamed the "Procedure" slot in the EB LCM section to "ReferenceFramework" for consistency

EB data modelDocumented language attritute and updated examples (snippets) using it3.2

Provided detailed business rules and extended examples3.2

Use of ebRSClarified that implementations of the REST query interfaces of DSD and EB are not required to support the ebRS canonical query parameters.3.1.4, 3.2.4

EditorialAdded reference sections to DSD and EB section3.1.6, 3.2.6

API The section on the LCM API incorrectly referred to the "lid" attribute. This should be the "id" attibute.3.6

API EditorialCorrected spelling of SubmitObjects protocol3.6

SecurityProvided additional detail on use of TLS3.1.4.7,

SecurityExplained ETSI reference for JAdES.3.1.6, 3.2.6
Evidence ExchangeEditorialUpdated the links to GIT repositories to reflect the move to

Updated/renumbered business rule identifiers4.5.*

Corrected spelling of RegRep requestId attribute



Request modelDocumented Member State business requirement to express a desire of the requester to limit responses to a particular language and how the use of the (existing)  "xml:lang" attribute of QueryRequest enables this.



Documented schemeID attributes4.5.1

Response modelDocumented slots , EvidenceProvider, EvidenceRequester, EvidenceMetadata4.5.2

Party identifier types to use EAS code list (likely to need further discussion) 4.5.2

Documented schemeID attributes4.5.2

Error response modelCorrected cardinality of relation of ErrorProvider to Agent is 1:1 instead of 1:n4.5.3

Improved documentation of severity attribute4.5.3

Documented schemeID attributes4/5/3

eDeliveryDocument that OOTS uses a trust model based on Mutual Exchange.4.7
OOTS Guidance and UX RecommendationsOOTS Guidance Including an updated version of OOTS Guidance6.1

UX RecommandationsIncluding an updated version of UX Recommandations6.2
Related ArtifactsEditorialThe GIT repositories for "hla" and "tdd_chapters" will be accessed from

SchemasXSD now has some additional global elements for the LCM interfaceGIT

SchemasSchematron definitions were created or expanded to better support validation  GIT

FunctionalityBusiness rules in spreadsheet format updated (will be reflected in Schematron rules and in specification sections)GIT

SamplesXML examples were created or improved GIT

  • No labels