
In order to facilitate interoperability of the EB, a set of business rules is defined to guarantee the correct structure and content format of information objects in the different transactions. The transactions are distinguished by different IDs:

  • EB-REQ: The rule ID references to the EB transaction "EB get Requirements Query Response" (section 3.2.4 -4.2).
  • EB-EVI: The rule IDs reference to the EB transaction "EB get Evidence Types Query Response" (section 3.2.4 -4.3). 
  • EB-ERR: The rule IDs reference to the EB transaction "EB Error Response" (section 3.2.4 -4.4).
  • EB-SUB: The rule IDs reference to the EB transaction "LCM Submit Objects Request to the EB"  (section 3.2.5 -5.4).

Rule IDs and Roles

The Rule ID is used to identify the rule and to have an error code next to the rule description. Business rules that guarantee the correct structure of the message are using the prefix "S" before the number (e.g. S009) whereas business rules that prove the information content are using the prefix "C" before the numer (e.g. C012).  The Element and Location points to the correct information object that is affected by the rule. Each business rule is associated with an error level (role) that expresses a validation result when an XML instance is proven against the rules through schematron validation:

  • caution: A hint that an additional object is needed in some cases; It may not be wrong, but care is required.
  • warning: Offering recommendations to improve the quality of the instance or regain full validity; Something wrong has happened, but it does not necessarily require action. 
  • fatal: The rule point to a major issue of consistency or data correctness. Something so bad that processing or validation should or did stop. 

Rule descriptions containing "MUST" correspond to an error level that is flagged with role fatal, while "SHOULD" rules correspond to an error level that is flagged with role warning. "MAY" rules point to error level flagged with role caution. For each business rule, a corresponding schematron rule is defined that references the same rule ID. Schematrons are used to prove the correctness of instances. Schematron files can be found at

Error rendering macro 'html-bobswift'

The provided url- is not included in the whitelist!.Please add the url to whitelist to allow access

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