Dear Madam/Sir,

The Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) of the European Commission is pleased to invite you to the one-day Workshop on "Principles and guidance on eID interoperability for online platforms - finalisation and way ahead" to discuss and finalise the draft Principles and guidance on eID interoperability for online platforms which are jointly developed with stakeholders in the context of the Communication on Online Platforms and the Digital Single Market.

Date:     29 November 2017, 9:30 - 16:30h

Venue:  Avenue de Beaulieu 25, Brussels

The draft principles and guidance were recently published for open consultation with all interested stakeholders. They build on the ideas collected during a workshop we held on this topic on 24 April 2014, as well as on further feedback received from stakeholders who volunteered to support the drafting process. Following the end of the consultation period (10 November 2017), we are consolidating the inputs, embracing the views and contributions received from stakeholders, and  will make available to the registrants the new draft version a few days before the workshop.

The aim of the workshop on 29 November 2017 will be to:

  • To discuss and finalise the Principles and guidance for eID interoperability for online platforms;
  • To showcase and discuss how the principles and guidance can be applied;
  • To exchange views on the way ahead.

Go the event webpage for the draft programme and registration.

Please do not hesitate to share this link with any person who might be interested in participating in the event and apologies if you have already received the invitation.

We look forward to welcoming you on 29 November!

Kind regards,

The eIDAS events' team


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