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United Kingdom (former EU country) Own initiative opinion

Subject Statement from the national Parliament Reply from the Commission
Own Initative Opinion on Brexit: the Erasmus and Horizon programmes
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Own Initative Opinion on the transparency of political decision-making in the European union
Own Initative Opinion on: Brexit plant and animal biosecurity
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Own Initiative Opinion about Brexit: movement of people in the cultural sector
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Own Initiative Opinion about Brexit: the proposed UK-EU security treaty
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Own Initiative Opinion on Brexit EU data package
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Own Initiative Opinion on Brexit competition and State aid
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Own Initiative Opinion on Brexit energy security
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Own Initiative Opinion on Brexit future of financial Regulation and Supervision
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Own Initiative Opinion on Brexit: Common Security and Defence Policy missions and operations
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Own Initiative Opinion on Brexit: food prices and availability
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Own Initiative Opinion on Brexit: the European Investment Bank
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Own Initiative Opinion on Dispute resolution and enforcement after Brexit
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Own Initiative Opinion on Operation Sophia : a failed mission
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Own Initiative Opinion on the future UK-EU relationship on professional and business services
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Own Initiative Opinion on: Beyond brexit: How to win friends and influence people
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Own Initiative Opinion on: Road, Rail and maritime transport
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Own Initiative on Brexit - Gibraltar
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Own Initiative on Brexit - Justice for families, individuals and businesses
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Own Initiative on Brexit - acquired rights
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Own Initiative on Brexit - agriculture
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Own Initiative on Brexit - environment and climate change
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Own Initiative on Brexit - financial services
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Own Initiative on Brexit - the Crown Dependencies
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Own Initiative on Brexit - trade in goods
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Own Initiative on Brexit and the EU Budget
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Own Initiative on the legality of the EU sanctions
Own Inititative Opinion on The EU fisheries landing obligation: six months on
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Own Intiative on Brexit - UK-Irish relations
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Own Intiative on Brexit - the options for trade
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Own initiative Opinion on : Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration
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Own initiative Opinion on Brexit: Farm animal welfare
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Own initiative Opinion on Brexit: chemical regulation
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Own initiative Opinion on Brexit: devolution
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Own initiative Opinion on Brexit: judicial oversight of the European Arrest Warrant
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Own initiative Opinion on Operation Sophia
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Own initiative Opinion on The Five Presidents' Report
Own initiative - proposal to the European Commission to adopt a strategic approach to food-waste reduction (Green card)
Own Initiative on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Own initiative Opinion on the future relations between UK and EU after the Brexie
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Own initiative Opinion on: Brexit refugee financial settlement
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Own initiative Opinion on: Brexit refugee protection and asylum policy
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Own initiative on Brexit: the customs challenge
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Own-Initiative Opinion on Unaccompanied Migrant Children in the EU
Report from the House of Lords
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The EU and Russia report
Own Initiative on a new EU Alcohol Strategy
Own Initiative on 'The North Sea under pressure: is regional marine co-operation the answer?'
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Own Initiative on the Birds Habitats Directives
Own Initiative on 'The North Sea under pressure: is regional marine co-operation the answer?'
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Own initiative on UK's opt-in Protocol
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Own initiative - The referendum on UK membership of the EU: assessing the reform priorities
The United Kingdom’s participation in Prüm
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Own initiative opinion on EU Energy Governance
Own Initiative Opinion on the EU Referendum and EU Reform
Own Initiative Opinion on the process of withdrawing from the European Union
Own initiative Opinion on Responding to price volatility: creating a more resilient agricultural sector
Own-Initiative Opinion on Corporate Social Responsibility - Green card
The review of the balance of competences between the UK and the EU
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Own itiative concerning an inquiry into EU food waste prevention
Strategic guidelines for the EU's next Justice and Home Affairs programme: steady as she goes
Own Initiative on the Schengen Evaluation Mechanism
Own Initiative on the environmental risks of TTIP
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Own Initiative on advanced genetic techniques for crop improvement: regulation, risk and precaution
Own inititiative on the Role of National Parliaments in the Free Trade Agreements
The euro area crisis
The European Union's Policy on Criminal Procedure
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The EU emission trading system
Withdrawal from enhanced cooperation
Sovereign Credit Rating: Shooting the Messenger?
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EU Freshwater Policy
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the role of national parliaments in the European Union
Euro area crisis: an update
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Counting the Cost of Food Waste: EU Food Waste Prevention
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The EU Drugs Strategy
  • Civil Protection and Crisis Management
  • Report "Combating Somali Piracy, the EU's Naval Operation Atalanta"
  • Report "Making it work: The European Social Fund"
  • Report on the Initiation of EU Legislation
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  • Stars and Dragons: The EU and China
  • The United Kingdom opt-in: problems with amendment and codification
  • The Workload of the Court of Justice of the EU
  • Sovereign Credit Rating: Shooting the Messenger?
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  • The United Kingdom opt-in: problems with amendment and codification