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Germany Own initiative opinion

Subject Statement from the national Parliament Reply from the Commission
Own initiative Opinion on the European Parliament's proposal for a Council Regulation on the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage (P9_TA(2022)0129)
Own initiative Opinion on the announced European Media Freedom Act
Own Initiative Opinion on Banking regulation
Own Initiative Opinion on the EU Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the world 2019
Own Initiative Opinion on the EU annual reports on human rights and democracy in the world 2016-2018
Own initiative Opinion on the Digital Services Act
own initiative regarding the European Commission's public consultation on the terms of an investment protection agreement with an investor-state dispute settlement procedure in the context of the negotiations for a transatlantic trade and investment partnership between the EU and the USA
Own Initiative on the Transparency Register
Own Initiative on shareholders rights
Own initiative Opinion on Strengthening the Steel Industry in Germany and Europe
Own initiative Opinion on Transposition of the Directive 2014/26/EU
Own initiative Opinion on the Deepening of the Single Market
Own inititiative on the Role of National Parliaments in the Free Trade Agreements
  • EP Resolution on progress towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals: mid-term review in preparation of the UN high-level meeting in September 2010 (INI/2010/2037)
  • Statement from the Bundestag pdf - 87 KB [87 KB] Deutsch (de)
Own Initiative on 'Horizon 2020'
  • Statement from the Bundesrat pdf - 159 KB [159 KB] Deutsch (de)