Competition Policy
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Competition Policy

Competition Policy

Dear users,

DG COMP has developed a new public case search engine (named COMP Cases) which will soon replace this case search engine.
The new COMP Cases, is available since 19 June, and offers a better user experience by providing a fresh, modern, and intuitive graphical user interface.
You can find it at this URL :
We recommend you to update your favourites/bookmarks to point to the new URL as this page will soon be phased-out.
For more information on this topic please visit our homepage.

- The ISEF & COMP Cases Teams


Policy Area Case Number Member
Decision Date
Antitrust AT.30373 12.04.1999 P & I CLUBS
Antitrust AT.38095 ABI+PPIAB
Antitrust AT.39191 25.09.2007 Financial Services Sector Inquiry - Business Insurance
