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Competition Policy

Competition Policy

Dear users,

DG COMP has developed a new public case search engine (named COMP Cases) which will soon replace this case search engine.
The new COMP Cases, is available since 19 June, and offers a better user experience by providing a fresh, modern, and intuitive graphical user interface.
You can find it at this URL :
We recommend you to update your favourites/bookmarks to point to the new URL as this page will soon be phased-out.
For more information on this topic please visit our homepage.

- The ISEF & COMP Cases Teams


Policy Area Case Number Member
Decision Date
State Aid SA.34389 Sweden Stöd till biogasanläggningar inom ramen för Landsbygdsprogrammet
State Aid SA.34412 Germany 09.07.2014 Tax exemption for gaseous biofuels, gaseous biomass heating fuels and landfill and sewage gases
State Aid SA.35361 Netherlands Biomassavergistingsinstallatie
State Aid SA.39390 Italy FONDO UNICO ROTATIVO PER PRESTITI (FURP) Linea di intervento 1.4 a 2) Sezioni Industria, Artigianato e Cooperazione
State Aid SA.43220 Malta Start-Up Finance
State Aid SA.43302 Sweden 14.12.2015 Tax exemptions for biogas used as motor fuel
State Aid SA.43563 United Kingdom Advanced Biofuels Demonstration Competition
State Aid SA.48257 Malta Start-up Finance 2017-2020
State Aid SA.49198 Estonia Biometaanituru arendamise toetamine
State Aid SA.50412 Netherlands NL - EZK - ETM - Ambigo
State Aid SA.51408 Netherlands 28.08.2018 Aid to Terramass B.V.
State Aid SA.52389 Greece Σταθμός Μ/Ρ στην Ν. Μεσημβρία για την σύνδεση του ΕΣΜΦΑ με τον TAP (Installation of MR Station at N. Messimvria for the Interconnection of NGTS with TAP)
State Aid SA.52416 Greece Σταθμός συμπίεσης απαερίων Υγροποιημένου Φυσικού Αερίου (ΥΦΑ)
State Aid SA.52482 Greece Κατασκευή σταθμού φόρτωσης βυτιοφόρων Υγροποιημένου Φυσικού Αερίου (ΥΦΑ) στο σταθμό ΥΦΑ της Ρεβυθούσας (LNG Truck Loading Station on the LNG Terminal of Revithoussa island)
State Aid SA.53525 Netherlands 14.12.2020 SDE++ scheme for greenhouse gas reduction projects, including renewable energy
State Aid SA.53619 Greece Αναβάθμιση γραφικού περιβάλλοντος SCADA στα Κέντρα Ελέγχου (Upgrade of graphical enviroment of SCADA in Control Centers)
State Aid SA.53631 Italy Bando PRISM-E
State Aid SA.57972 Lithuania Investicinė parama biometano dujų gamybai ir (ar) biodujų valymo įrenginiams įrengti
State Aid SA.59787 Estonia Biometaanituru arendamise toetamine (pikendamine)
State Aid SA.62667 Netherlands NL_BZK_CSDO KVW-00290-Duurzame Moleculen
State Aid SA.64444 Lithuania 2021 m. Klimato kaitos programos lėšų naudojimo sąmatos priemonė „Investicinė parama biometano dujų gamybai ir (ar) biodujų valymo įrenginiams įrengti“
