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Competition Policy

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- The ISEF & COMP Cases Teams


Policy Area Case Number Member
Decision Date
State Aid SA.101183 Finland 05.12.2022 Individual aid for pumped hydro project (Suomen Energiavarasto Oy, Finland)
State Aid SA.101998 Netherlands 28.07.2023 Hydrogen production through electrolysis
State Aid SA.102454 Spain 08.06.2022 TCF - Spain - MIBEL fossil fuel cost adjustment mechanism
State Aid SA.103068 Spain 07.07.2023 RRF - Spain: Support for innovative electricity storage projects
State Aid SA.108788 Netherlands 09.11.2023 NL - TCTF - Temporary aid scheme for undertakings having implemented renewable heat projects
State Aid SA.110788 Netherlands 20.12.2023 NL - TCTF: Modification to SA.108788
State Aid SA.12247 Luxembourg 28.01.2009 Fonds de compensation dans le cadre de l'organisation du marché de l'électricité
State Aid SA.17365 Hungary 04.06.2008 $ - Hungarian stranded costs
State Aid SA.18768 United Kingdom 07.06.2006 Talisman Energy - Renewable and Sustainable Energy
State Aid SA.18989 Poland 25.09.2007 Stranded costs compensations in Poland
State Aid SA.19063 Italy 08.11.2006 Stranded costs for the municipalizzate
State Aid SA.20249 Ireland 25.09.2007 RES-E support programme
State Aid SA.20278 Poland 19.07.2006 Restructuring Aid - Energetyka Wislosan
State Aid SA.20530 Netherlands 11.07.2006 Eneco
State Aid SA.20617 Italy 06.12.2006 Aide au sauvetage de Ottana Energia Srl
State Aid SA.20656 Denmark 03.01.2007 Exemption from Danish waste levy : incinerated manure fibre
State Aid SA.20857 Finland 25.08.2006 Investment aid to Mariehamns Bioenergi AB (biofuel plant)
State Aid SA.21073 Austria 04.07.2006 Ökostromgesetz - Renewables feed-in tariff
State Aid SA.21075 Austria 04.07.2006 Ökostromgesetz - CHP support tariff
State Aid SA.21126 Sweden 23.08.2007 CO2 tax relief for EU ETS participants
State Aid SA.21274 Cyprus 22.12.2006 Support scheme for electricity production from biomass and landfill gas
State Aid SA.21396 Italy 02.07.2008 Restructuring aid to Ottana Energia
State Aid SA.21527 United Kingdom 11.12.2006 Capital Grants for Renewable Technologies - extension of budget for addition of Scottish Executive activities
State Aid SA.21986 Sweden 19.02.2007 Amendment to Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Energy Supply Scheme.
State Aid SA.22065 Austria 13.04.2007 "Investment aid for the construction of combined heat and Power stations (CHP) and Hydro Electric Power Stations".
State Aid SA.22159 United Kingdom 19.03.2007 Renewables Obligation Scotland - amendment to an existing scheme.
State Aid SA.22172 Netherlands 22.05.2007 Clean fossil
State Aid SA.22232 Spain 14.05.2007 Aid to Iberdrola for the improvement of the electrical service
State Aid SA.22569 Germany 22.03.2007 Biomass and energy - prolongation of state aid N 165/2004
State Aid SA.22751 France 22.05.2007 Prime à l’Aménagement du Territoire pour la Recherche, le Développement et l’Innovation (PAT « RDI »)
State Aid SA.22977 Slovenia 16.08.2007 Tax allowance for research and development activities in Slovenia
State Aid SA.22979 Italy 17.01.2008 Amendment to provincial law 6/99 - investment aid for cogeneration plants - Trento
State Aid SA.22990 Spain 08.06.2007 Prolongation of scheme NN 112/2002 - Gas and electricity networks in Castille La-Manche
State Aid SA.23007 Sweden 16.05.2007 Modification of Regionally Differentiated Energy Tax for the Service Sector (N 593/2005)
State Aid SA.23057 Italy 02.07.2007 Interventi per l'innovazione nei settori del commercio, del turismo, dei servizi e delle strutture industriali
State Aid SA.23442 Italy Misura 1.1 azione b - Progetti Integrati di Impresa - Programma triennale in materia di Attività Produttive Regione Emilia-Romagna
State Aid SA.23526 Spain Régimen de ayudas a la inversión industrial de las PYME en la zona no incluida en el mapa de ayudas regionales.
State Aid SA.23834 Italy 16.04.2008 Support to industrial research and experimental development activities in the Region Marche
State Aid SA.23898 Hungary Regionális beruházási támogatás a Regionális Fejlesztés Operatív Programokból
State Aid SA.23905 Italy L. 598/94 art.11 – Interventi per ricerca industriale e sviluppo precompetitivo
State Aid SA.24641 Estonia 26.05.2008 Individual aid to company AS Sillamäe SEJ for reconstruction of district heating infrastructure
State Aid SA.24667 Italy 23.02.2009 Institution of a "Revolving Fund for agri-energy" - Region Veneto
State Aid SA.24766 Lithuania 13.02.2008 Construction of a 400MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Plant at AB Lietuvos Elektrine
State Aid SA.24850 France 08.10.2008 Soutien de l'Agence de l'Innovation industrielle en faveur du Programme « H2E
State Aid SA.24884 Italy Interventi a favore delle PMI industriali e loro consorzi per favorire il trasferimento delle conoscenze e dell'innovazione (interventi a favore della brevettazione di prodotti propri e dell'acquisizione di brevetti, marchi e know how)
State Aid SA.24995 Romania Stimularea IMM-urilor care proceseaz? produse agricole în vederea ob?inerii unor produse alimentare
State Aid SA.25196 Austria 17.06.2008 Partial privatisation of Energie AG Oberösterreich by a private equity operation
State Aid SA.25205 Italy L.R. 34/04 – Asse 1: misura Ri.3 Agevolazioni per le piccole e medie imprese a sostegno di progetti ed investimenti per l’innovazione e l’ecoinnovazione, la sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro, l’adozione delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della co...
State Aid SA.25290 Lithuania 17.06.2008 RAG sectorial measure for energy
State Aid SA.25327 Latvia Aid/support to investments made into development of particularly supported areas (territories)
