Competition Policy
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Competition Policy

Competition Policy

Dear users,

DG COMP has developed a new public case search engine (named COMP Cases) which will soon replace this case search engine.
The new COMP Cases, is available since 19 June, and offers a better user experience by providing a fresh, modern, and intuitive graphical user interface.
You can find it at this URL :
We recommend you to update your favourites/bookmarks to point to the new URL as this page will soon be phased-out.
For more information on this topic please visit our homepage.

- The ISEF & COMP Cases Teams


Policy Area Case Number Member
Decision Date
Antitrust AT.38264 EEA+VERBUND / EHP
Antitrust AT.39386 17.03.2010 Long term electricity contracts in France
Antitrust AT.39387 Long term electricity contracts in Belgium
Antitrust AT.39388 26.11.2008 German electricity wholesale market
Antitrust AT.39389 26.11.2008 German electricity balancing market
Antitrust AT.39564 Applicability of Slovak Competition Act to Regulated Sectors
Antitrust AT.39727 10.04.2013 CEZ
Antitrust AT.40416 LNG supply to Europe
