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Competition Policy

Competition Policy

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- The ISEF & COMP Cases Teams


Policy Area Case Number Member
Decision Date
Antitrust AT.40588 04.03.2021 Teva Copaxone
Merger M.10001 05.03.2021 MICROSOFT / ZENIMAX
Merger M.10079 04.03.2021 SARP / SUEZ RV OSIS
Merger M.10088 05.03.2021 PAI PARTNERS / EURO ETHNIC FOODS
Merger M.10110 03.03.2021 IKB / HYPOPORT / FUNDINGPORT
Merger M.10152 02.03.2021 TEMASEK / GATEGROUP
Merger M.10178 05.03.2021 ENI / ALDRO EYS / INSTALACIONES MD
State Aid SA.39639 Italy 01.03.2021 Alleged state aid in favour of consortium Cineca - IT
State Aid SA.53625 Germany 11.12.2023 Germany – Lignite phase-out
State Aid SA.54318 Slovakia 04.03.2021 Support of electricity from high efficient cogeneration of electricity and heat in Slovakia
State Aid SA.57858 Denmark 01.03.2021 Thor Offshore Wind Farm in Denmark
State Aid SA.58639 France 03.03.2021 COVID-19: Dispositif de garantie aux fonds de prêts participatifs et d'obligations subordonnées
State Aid SA.59187 Germany 01.03.2021 Brandenburg: support for keeping pigs in groups and on straw
State Aid SA.59518 Italy 01.03.2021 COVID-19: Aid to Toscana Aeroporti
State Aid SA.59609 Sweden 05.03.2021 Prolongation and amendment of compensation scheme SA.57372 (as amended and prolonged by SA.58631) for undertakings faced with turnover losses due to COVID-19 in June and July 2020
State Aid SA.59872 Poland 01.03.2021 COVID-19: Second amendment of SA.57306 (2020/N)
State Aid SA.60000 Netherlands 01.03.2021 Revised Tender scheme Shrimp fishery Wadden Sea
State Aid SA.60596 Malta 01.03.2021 Competitive Bidding Process for Renewable Sources of Energy Installations in Malta
State Aid SA.60766 Portugal 05.03.2021 Reduced rate of excise duty applied to rum and liqueurs produced and consumed in Madeira for the period 1.1.2021-31.12.2021 (prolongation of scheme SA.38823)
State Aid SA.61414 Germany 05.03.2021 Modification to SA.32020, SA.33848, SA.34412, SA.50940, SA.55902, SA.58188 and SA.59032
State Aid SA.61808 Czechia 05.03.2021 COVID-19: Support for operators of ski resorts
State Aid SA.61873 Latvia 01.03.2021 Second Amendment to SA.59592 (2020/N) on Grants to companies affected by the COVID-19 crisis to ensure the flow of working capital
State Aid SA.61904 Sweden 05.03.2021 COVID19 - Aid to ensure access to ambulance air transport
State Aid SA.61930 Bulgaria 05.03.2021 COVID-19: Amendment of the scheme SA.60454 (2020/N) Grants for SMEs affected by temporary anti-epidemic measures under Operational Programme Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020
State Aid SA.61943 Denmark 05.03.2021 Credit Facility and Deferral of VAT liabilities due by SMEs
State Aid SA.61946 Denmark 01.03.2021 COVID-19: Compensation scheme for self-employed affected by Covid-19 related measures.
State Aid SA.61954 Luxembourg 02.03.2021 COVID-19: Modifications to SA.59428
State Aid SA.61969 Cyprus 01.03.2021 Prolongation of SA.42971
State Aid SA.61987 Finland 01.03.2021 COVID-19: Direct development grant to undertakings in the fisheries sector to increase the use of under-exploited domestic fish
State Aid SA.62023 Portugal 01.03.2021 COVID-19: Direct grants to micro, small and medium undertakings in specific sectors established in the Outermost Region of the Azores "APOIAR.PT Açores – 4º T 2020"
State Aid SA.62040 Czechia 05.03.2021 COVID19: Modifications to SA.58213, SA.59536, SA.58167, SA.57149, SA.57358, SA.57195, SA.58198, SA.61234, SA.59118 and SA.57094
State Aid SA.62044 Czechia 01.03.2021 Aid to mitigate the impact of SARS COV-19 outbreak on agrifood production (AGRICOVID II)
State Aid SA.62095 Greece 05.03.2021 Support of the producers in sectors of i.Buffalo breeding throughout the country, ii.Outdoor watermelon throughout the country, iii. Greenhouse crops throughout the country except from Crete in tomatoes and cucumbers, iv. Summer and autumn potatoes t
