This site has been archived on 03/11/2014
Commissioner launches 'European Opera Days'

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Commissioner launches 'European Opera Days'

At the official launch, Commissioner Vassiliou explained that this year's European Opera Days (7-8 May) would focus on young people and recalled how she had become hooked on opera in her student days.

During the European Opera Days, opera houses throughout Europe will stage special events aimed at attracting children and families to opera. More than 100 opera houses in 23 countries will participate in total.

Speaking at La Monnaie/De Munt, home of the Belgian national opera, Commissioner Vassiliou revealed that she had been introduced to opera by her Australian flat-mate as a student in London.

It was the start of a life-time passion for the art form.

The Commissioner said she strongly supported the objective of opening up opera to new audiences and to the young in particular. "As the French opera singer Natalie Dessay said, 'beauty is not and should not be reserved for the elite'," she declared.

The Commissioner will be in Florence when the Opera Days take place and revealed that she plans to see a performance of Aida there.

The launch event was also an opportunity for Commissioner Vassiliou to underline her strong support for the future of the Commission's culture programme. "I am fully committed to strengthening EU support for the cultural and creative sectors in the next EU financial-framework period, and making this support as effective and relevant as possible to the sectors' needs," she commented.

The Commissioner was joined at the launch event by the directors of the three Belgian opera houses - Aviel Cahn (De Vlaamse Opera, Antwerp/Ghent), Stefano Mazzonis di Pralafera (Opéra Royal de Wallonie, Liège), and the host Peter de Caluwe (General Director, La Monnaie/De Munt, Brussels), who presented the activities planned in Belgium as part of European Opera Days.

The theme of this year's event - 'Young Ears' - was also highlighted in a video message from the Canadian soprano Barbara Hannigan.

Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top