This site has been archived on 03/11/2014
EU and Brazil launch policy dialogue on higher education and culture

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EU and Brazil launch policy dialogue on higher education and culture

Commissioner Vassiliou made her first official visit to Brazil on 3-9 April to launch EU-Brazil policy dialogues on higher education and culture. As a result of these high-level talks, specific fora will be created for policy-makers and professionals, focused on jointly agreed priorities in higher education and culture. Further developments will be discussed at the next EU-Brazil summit, due to take place in Brussels in October. A cultural round table will also be organised.

"The European Union is committed to strengthening its strategic partnership with Brazil and I believe that closer co-operation on higher education and culture can contribute to this objective," said Commissioner Vassiliou.

As regards higher education, the Commission wants to encourage cooperation between universities, and make it easier for students, researchers and academics to move between the EU and Brazil. This is seen as crucial for driving quality and fostering excellence in a competitive international environment. On culture, the new policy dialogue will aim to boost the development of stronger cultural and economic ties, as well as the preservation of cultural heritage.

Since 2004, more than 1 700 Brazilian students and scholars have had the opportunity to study in Europe through the Commission's Erasmus Mundus programme, which supports joint Masters and Doctorate programmes and learning mobility. More than 40 Brazilian research institutions and 32 individual researchers have also received financial backing totalling € 1.6 million through the Commission's Marie Curie Actions, which support international exchanges for researchers. In the field of culture, the Commission has invested more € 1.3 million in Brazil since 2008 through seven joint initiatives under the EU Culture Programme.

Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top