This site has been archived on 03/11/2014
Youth on the Move opens its doors in Bordeaux

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Youth on the Move opens its doors in Bordeaux

Commissioner Vassiliou opened the two-and-a-half day eventfrançais (fr) dedicated to the Youth on the Move campaign in Bordeaux on 14 October. Visitors had the chance to take part in debates and exchanges about the challenges facing young people in Europe in education and employment and the responses proposed by the EU, including opportunities to study and work abroad.

In her opening speech Commissioner Vassiliou acknowledged that young people are among those most seriously affected by the economic crisis, which has made the transition from the world of education and training to employment more difficult for them and that we must now give back hope to the generations on whom our future depends.

The activity is based on discussions around projects by schools and NGOs and personal accounts from young people who've benefited from EU grants, rounded out with cultural and entertainment events.

Ms Vassiliou launched the event in the presence of more than 300 mostly young people, accompanied by the French Youth on the Move ambassador, longboard surf champion Antoine Delpero, and Alain Juppé, former French prime minister and mayor of Bordeaux.

Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top