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Malmström comments the European Court of Human Rights ruling on the Dublin regulation

21 January 2011

According to the Dublin regulation an asylum application should be processed in the first EU Member State the asylum applicant arrives in, but an asylum applicant who was sent back to Greece filed charges against Greece in the European Court of Human Rights. The Court has now announced its ruling.

EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström comments:
"Today's ruling clearly shows the EU's need to urgently establish a Common European Asylum System and to support Member States in meeting their obligations to provide international protection to people in need. The EU has a long tradition of working with human rights, but this can continue only if all Member States contribute and take their responsibilities."

Greece has had difficulties in their reception of migrants and asylum applicants for a long time. Approximately 50 000 people in Greece are waiting to get their asylum applications processed, and meanwhile they live under often awful circumstances. Last fall, Greece adopted an Action Plan outlining what to do in order to be able to take control of the problems. The EU Commission is supporting Greece both financially and by other means.

Read the Court ruling M.S.S. v Belgium and Greece (click on "recent press releases" at the bottom of the page), and read more on the Commission's cooperation with Greece in the full statement by Cecilia Malmström.