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Opening the windows: Commission commits to enhanced transparency

25 November 2014: The European Commission today gave a boost to transparency by committing to publishing information about who meets its political leaders and senior officials and to providing greater access to documents relating to the negotiations for a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership...

Global trade increasingly obstructed, EU Report says

17 November 2014: The tendency to impose trade-restricting measures remains strong among the EU's commercial partners, fuelling continuing uncertainty in the world economy. These are the main findings of the European Commission's annual report on protectionism published today 17 November.

Frontex Joint Operation 'Triton' – Concerted Efforts for managing migrator flows in the Central Mediterranean

31 October 2014: What is Triton? Triton is a Frontex coordinated joint operation, requested by the Italian authorities that will start its activity as from 1 November 2014 in the Central Mediterranean to support Italy.

Colombia and Peru fulfil the criteria for visa-free access to the Schengen area

29 October 2014: Today the Commission adopted two reports concluding that Colombia and Peru fulfil the relevant criteria, with a view to the negotiation of visa waiver agreements between each of these countries and the EU.

Georgia: one step closer to EU visa liberalisation

29 October 2014: The Commission adopted today its second progress report on the implementation by Georgia of the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan (VLAP). It concludes that Georgia meets the first-phase requirements of the visa dialogue.

Commission assesses progress by Turkey in visa dialogue

20 October 2014: Commission Today the Commission presented its first report on progress by Turkey in fulfilling the requirements set in its visa liberalisation roadmap. "This first report shows that Turkey is doing effective efforts to meet the criteria identified in its visa liberalisation roadmap and...

Trafficking in human beings 2010-2014: eradicating the slave trade

17 October 2014: During the years 2010-2012, EU Member States registered 30 146 victims of trafficking in human beings. Behind this number are human tragedies, broken hopes and destroyed plans for a better life.

Questions and Answers: European System of Accounts 2010

17 October 2014: What is the European System of Accounts? The European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA) sets down the harmonised methodology which must be used for the production of national accounts data in the EU.

The European Commission assesses the situation of visa non-reciprocity with certain third countries

10 October 2014: The European Commission adopted today a report assessing the situation of non-reciprocity with certain third countries in the area of visa policy. Visa non-reciprocity refers to instances where citizens of a non-EU country enjoy visa-free travel to the EU, yet this country...

EU-Jordan: a new partnership to better manage mobility and migration

9 October 2014: The EU and Jordan have today officially established a Mobility Partnership. EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, Jordan's Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh, and the Ministers responsible for migration from the twelve EU Member States participating in this partnership (Cyprus, Denmark, France,...

Justice and Home Affairs Council 9-10 October 2014 in Luxembourg

8 October 2014: European Union Justice and Home Affairs ministers will meet in Luxembourg on 9-10 October 2014. The European Commission will be represented by Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs and Martine Reicherts, EU Commissioner for Justice.

Frontex Joint Operation 'Triton' – Concerted efforts to manage migration in the Central Mediterranean

7 October 2014: Background on Frontex assistance to Italy Weeks after the tragic drowning of over 300 persons around the Island of Lampedusa in October 2013, Italy launched a major search and rescue operation called 'Mare Nostrum'.

Second Ministerial Conference of the Global Alliance against Child Sexual Abuse Online

30 September 2014: The Global Alliance against Child Sexual Abuse Online has been up and running since 2012. Concrete goals have been set and additional countries have joined forces, but the fight to eradicate the online exploitation of children is far from complete.

Employment: report shows worker mobility key to tackle EU demographic and skills challenges

18 September 2014: To address the effects of population ageing, the EU will need to close the gender gap and increase the participation of young and older workers in the labour market, but mobility and migration also have a key role to play.

Commission assesses progress by Kosovo in visa dialogue

24 July 2014: Commission assesses progress by Kosovo1 in visa dialogue Today the Commission presented its second report on progress by Kosovo in fulfilling the requirements of the visa liberalisation roadmap.

CEPOL: Commission proposes to improve training for EU law enforcement officials

16 July 2014: Today the European Commission has proposed to boost CEPOL's role as the European Agency for Law Enforcement training, by providing better and more effective tools to train EU law enforcement officials.

Gibraltar: European Commission sends another technical fact-finding mission

2 July 2014: Today, the European Commission is sending another technical fact-finding mission to La Línea (Spain) and Gibraltar (UK). Why is the Commission going to the borders? Concerns have been raised by citizens, members of the European Parliament and the Government of Gibraltar regarding border...

Clearer EU rules for unaccompanied minors seeking international protection

26 June 2014: Last year 12 690 unaccompanied minors submitted an asylum application in the EU. Some of them have no one to turn to in EU Member States and find themselves in extremely vulnerable positions, facing particular challenges in the early steps of the...

Europe's future security challenges

20 June 2014: The growing trend of Europeans fighting abroad in groups affiliated with terrorism, the diversification of international organised crime, and the increased risk of large-scale cyber-attacks.

Q/A: The European Commission helps refugees

20 June 2014: Who is a refugee? Every year natural disasters, conflicts and human rights violations force millions of people to leave their homes and to flee to save their lives. Their survival often depends on international assistance and protection.

Justice and Home Affairs Council 5-6 June 2014 in Luxembourg

4 June 2014: European Union Justice and Home Affairs Ministers will meet in Luxembourg on 5-6 June 2014. The European Commission will be represented by Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner and Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs.

Ukraine moves to 2nd phase of visa liberalisation process

27 May 2014: The Commission adopted today its fourth progress report on the implementation by Ukraine of the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan (VLAP). It concludes that Ukraine has put in place the necessary legislative, policy and institutional framework and meets the first-phase requirements of the...

Commission reports on the state of the Schengen area

26 May 2014: Commission The Schengen area of free movement is a unique achievement. Each year millions of European citizens make use of the possibility to travel freely to visit friends and family, make business trips or visit other Schengen countries as tourists.

Boosting Europe's defence against terrorism

5 May 2014: How can the EU work to prevent chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials and explosives (CBRN-E) from ending up in the hands of terrorists? Today, the European Commission is proposing to strengthen Europe's efforts to better detect explosives and dangerous materials, intensify...

Environment: Experts meet to discuss how to better fight wildlife trafficking in the EU and globally

10 April 2014: Following an invitation by the European Commission, 170 experts met today in Brussels to discuss how the EU can better fight wildlife trafficking. The conference marked the end of a public consultation which was launched on 7 February with a Communication by...

Frequently Asked Questions: The Data Retention Directive

8 April 2014: Data concerning telecommunications traffic through telephone networks and through the internet is, to some extent, retained (stored) by telecommunication service providers for their own commercial purposes (e.g., for billing purposes).

A clear legal regime for family members of non EU citizens

3 April 2014: Migrants' right to family reunification is recognised throughout the EU. Common rules are in place on the conditions under which family members of a non-EU citizen, legally resident in a Member State, are allowed to enter and reside in the EU.

More flexible visa rules to boost growth and job creation

1 April 2014: Many non-EU nationals wishing to travel to the EU are often faced with cumbersome, lengthy and costly visa procedures. The proposals presented today will seriously shorten and simplify the procedures for those wanting to come to the EU for short stays, and...

Frequently Asked Questions: A smarter EU visa policy for growth

1 April 2014: The EU has set up a common visa policy for short stays, i.e. stays up to 90 days in any 180-day period, which is applied through the issuing of 'Schengen visas'. In 2012, the present 26 Schengen States1 issued around 14.2 million Schengen...

How to ensure fair, humane and effective return procedures?

28 March 2014: An effective and humane return policy with full respect for fundamental rights is a key part of the EU migration policy. In a Communication on the EU's Return Policy adopted today, the Commission presents the progress made in this field and points...

Frequently Asked Questions: the EU Return Policy

28 March 2014: What is this Communication about? This Communication reports on the changes to EU return policy over recent years, analyses its impact, and presents some ideas for future developments.

Commissioner Malmström welcomes the Parliament's vote on the new EU Home Affairs' Funds 2014-2020

13 March 2014: "I am very pleased with today's vote establishing the new financial instruments in the area of Home Affairs: the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Internal Security Fund.

Shaping the future of Home Affairs policies – the next phase

11 March 2014: How can the EU's work on migration, asylum and security-related issues further contribute to ensuring Europe is an open, prosperous and safe place to live and work for all its citizens? The Stockholm Programme that has framed Home Affairs policies from 2010...

EU and Tunisia establish their Mobility Partnership

3 March 2014: Tunisia and the EU today formally established a Mobility Partnership. A joint declaration was signed by Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Mr Tahar Cherif, Tunisian Ambassador to Belgium and the European Union, and the Ministers of the ten EU Member...

Justice and Home Affairs Council 3-4 March 2014 in Brussels

28 February 2014: European Union Justice and Home Affairs ministers will meet in Brussels on 3-4 March 2014. The European Commission will be represented by Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner and Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs.

Vice President Tajani attends Presidential Inauguration Ceremony in Chile

21 February 2014: European Commission MEMO Brussels, 10 March 2014 European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani will travel to Chile to attend the Presidential Inauguration Ceremony of Michele Bachelet on behalf of the European Union today and tomorrow 10th and 11th March.

European Cybercrime Centre – one year on

10 February 2014: European What are the main future cybercrime threats on the horizon? And how has the European Cybercrime Center (EC3) contributed to protect European citizens and businesses since its launch in January 2013? These questions are at the core of an EC3 report presented...

Environment: Commission consults on how EU can fight against dramatic increase in wildlife trafficking

7 February 2014: The Commission has launched a public consultation on how the EU can be more effective in combating wildlife trafficking. This comes in response to a recent global surge in poaching and illegal wildlife trade, which is now at unprecedented levels for some...

Questions and answers on wildlife trafficking

7 February 2014: How big is the wildlife trafficking problem? As with any other illegal activity, it is impossible to provide a precise figure as to the scale and value of wildlife trafficking. But there is no doubt that it has grown considerably in recent years.

Commissioner Malmström welcomes European Parliament vote on migrant seasonal workers

5 February 2014: "I very much welcome today's vote on new EU rules harmonising the conditions of entry and residence, and the rights of seasonal workers. Migrant workers coming to the EU for seasonal work make an important contribution to the European economy.

Commission unveils first EU Anti-Corruption Report

3 February 2014: Commission Corruption continues to be a challenge for Europe. Affecting all EU Member States, corruption costs the European economy around 120 billion euros per year. Member States have taken many initiatives in recent years, but the results are uneven and more should be...

Frequently Asked Questions: the EU Anti-Corruption Report

3 February 2014: Why an EU Anti-Corruption Report? In June 2011, the Commission adopted an anti-corruption package (IP/11/678 and MEMO/11/376), announcing its intention to publish an EU Anti-Corruption Report every two years on Member States' efforts to tackle corruption, to stimulate political will to fight corruption...

Summaries of the national chapters from the European Anti-Corruption Report

3 February 2014: Austria: Austria's fight against corruption has been strengthened by efforts in prevention and prosecution. In this report, the European Commission is suggesting that Austria ensures the necessary resources to specialised prosecutors for processing corruption cases.

Strengthening the EU's response to radicalisation and violent extremism

15 January 2014: Terrorist and violent extremist activities have evolved and are a growing, significant threat within the EU. These activities are carried out not only by organised groups but increasingly by smaller groups or lone actors, now being driven by a wide range of...

First Commission report on the implementation by Russia of the Common Steps for visa free-regime with the EU

18 December 2013: Today the Commission adopted its first progress report on Common Steps under the EU-Russia Visa Dialogue making a full assessment of the four key fields essential for moving towards visa free regime with the EU: 1. Document security; 2. Migration issues; 3.

Detention conditions in Lampedusa: Malmström expresses serious concerns

18 December 2013: The images we have seen from the detention centre in Lampedusa are appalling and unacceptable. We will contact the Italian authorities to ask more information on these events and we ask them to shed full light over what happened.

Cecilia Malmström signs the Readmission Agreement and launches the Visa Liberalisation Dialogue with Turkey

16 December 2013: EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström, in Ankara at the invitation of the Turkish authorities, signed, with the Turkish Minister of Interior Muammer Güler, the EU-Turkey readmission agreement, and initiated, jointly with the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmet Davutoğlu, the...

Mobility Partnership signed between the EU and Azerbaijan

5 December 2013: The EU and the Republic of Azerbaijan officially launched a Mobility Partnership. Today Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ambassador Fuad Isgandarov, Azerbaijan, and the Ministers responsible for migration from the eight EU Member States participating in this partnership (Bulgaria, the Czech...

Lampedusa follow up: concrete actions to prevent loss of life in the Mediterranean and better address migratory and asylum flows

4 December 2013: The tragedy in Lampedusa, one of the many Europe has witnessed in recent years, prompted an unprecedented call for action by EU leaders and citizens. Today the Commission is proposing ways to increase solidarity and mutual support in order to prevent migrants'...

Justice and Home Affairs Council 5-6 December 2013 in Brussels

4 December 2013: European Union Justice and Home Affairs ministers will meet in Brussels on 5-6 December 2013. The European Commission will be represented by Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner and Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs.