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  • New reports about trafficking in Europe

    17 Oktober: During the years 2010-2012, EU Member States registered 30 146 victims of trafficking in human beings. Behind this number are human tragedies, broken hopes and destroyed plans for a better life....

  • Clearer EU rules for unaccompanied minors

    26 Juni: Last year, 12.690 unaccompanied minors submitted an asylum application in the EU. The European Commission is now proposing to clarify which Member State is responsible for examining such applications,...

  • Boosting the EU's response to radicalisation

    17 Juni: The evolution of the terrorist threat and of radicalisation patterns call for more efforts to counter extremism that leads to violence. On 17th June, EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström...

  • Yearly report on terrorism in EU

    28 Mai: A total of 152 terrorist attacks were carried out in the EU last year. There was also a sustained number of Europeans taken hostage by groups or individuals linked to religiously inspired terrorism....

  • "Allow people to make use of their talents"

    15 Mai: At a global forum on migration issues in Stockholm, Sweden, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström spoke about the need for a global agenda for labour mobility."It would help us...

  • Press conference: EU strategy against trafficking in human beings, June 2012

  • Kosovo visa liberalisation roadmap, November 2011

  • The Netherlands, June 2012

  • Press conference: Annual Report on Immigration and Asylum, June 2012

  • Italy, March 2012

  • Press conference: Strategy against trafficking in human beings

  • Visit to self-service passport controls at Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam

  • Press briefing: Visit by Georgian Minister for Foreign Affairs to discuss Visa Liberalisation Dialogue

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