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Partage d’expériences

Town twinning citizens meetings

Town Twinning to celebrate the European Year for Volunteerism

The project promotes a long lasting network between the EU municipalities on the theme of active citizenship and volunteering, in order to facilitate the exchange of experiences, networking, implementation of new projects and promote the concept and values of voluntary work in Europe.

English Language Camp at Lake Velence

Citizen’s – and especially young people’s – engagement in an intercultural dialogue is essential to the development of a European identity, and a sense of belonging to a community. This idea provided the basis for the 13th district to the implementation plan of the Twin Towns’ English Language Camp programme. The plan was then turned into reality and has, by now, become a tradition.

Jubilee of European Partner Meeting in Olkusz (PL)

The project is inscribed in the commemoration of 15 years of partnership of cities of Olkusz and Schwalbach am Taunus - It has to be partner’s anniversary for all inhabitants. Except for self-governed authorities and institutions of culture, young people of Olkusz, seniors of UTW (University of Third Century) and non-government organisations were invited to participate in the realisation of the project of visitors from Europe meetings.

Building Active European citizenship: strengthening participation in NGO's work

The project events will take place in Kekava, Latvia in the framework of international multifunctional town twinning festival VIA KEKAVA. Overall in the festival will participate delegations from 7 countries – Estonia, Russia, Turkey, Belarus, Poland, Germany and Lithuania, representing people from municipalities, NGOs, enterprises, tourism organizations, dancers, musicians, craftsmen and other fields. The project events will be a part of festival programme.

Partage d'expériences

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