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Partage d’expériences

Support measures

Social Network for local empowerment

The SOLE project (SOcial network for Local Empowerment) was imagined to contribute to the construction of an active and living European citizenship.

MaNTT – Guidelines for managing networks of Twinned Towns

These guidelines intend to summarize the experience developed in the context of the MaNTT project, aimed at improving the management skills of civil servants and strengthening political commitment in support of networks of twinned towns (NTT) projects. PDF

Towards Trust in Quality Assurance Systems

The project will provide a unified transparent framework for the quality assurance of the Ukrainian higher education system which is in line with the common European academic culture and supports both the national reform of higher education and integration of Ukraine into the European Education Area.

Facing challenges in the implementation of networks: from improved management skills to increased political commitment

The project MANTT pursued the following objectives:

- Developing new skills among the civil servants and political representatives involved
- Improving the overall capacity of the local administrations to produce high quality EU projects
- Systematizing contents that will help the participants and other potential beneficiaries of the Measure 1.2 in the future to implement high quality networks
- Revitalizing and developing new town twinning relations at political level.

Thematic Networks Planning Process (PLANET)

The project starts off from the need of improving project planning skills among local authorities interested in developing effective thematic networks projects (Measure 1.2 of the EFC Programme). The project’s objectives are: 1) to enhance the skills of civil servants to meet the more complex and demanding challenges in terms of strategic planning with the partners; 2) to provide the participating municipalities with a common methodology for planning high quality projects ensuring consistency between objectives foreseen and final results; 3) to create a platform for networking in order to further develop the exchange and contacts at multiple institutional levels.

Partage d'expériences

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