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Programme L'Europe pour les citoyens



Point de contact «L'Europe pour les citoyens» en Hongrie

Frank Nóra / Ms. Nóra FRANK - koordinátor / co-ordinator

Tempus Közalapítvány / Tempus Public Foundation

1093 Budapest, Lónyay u. 31. , 1438 Budapest 70, Pf. 508.

T:(+36 1) 23 1300| F: (+36 1) 239 1329





Calendrier des événements


 Európa a polgárokért program kézikönyv pdf(2 MB) Choisir les traductions du lien précédent (HU version) 

The aim of the book is to give help for those who would like to apply in the Europe for Citizens programme. The handbook was made to avoid difficulties during the planning and implementation part of their projects, and to have more successful and more qualified ones.

The first section of the handbook presents the objectives, the structures and the management of the project. The second and the third part show the different actions of the programme, the advantages of participating in the programme, and the expecting results of them. Moreover through concrete examples the features of each action are also presented.

The next chapter gives help for partner search, the fifth one in the preparation of the project, and the seventh in the selection procedure.

The last chapter of the handbook gives information about what to do if the project is selected.


 Europe for Citizenspdf(2 MB) Choisir les traductions du lien précédent - Dissemination brochure 2012 (EN version)

This dissemination brochure includes granted projects from the Europe for Citizens programme, and every time this publication has been enlarged with other new projects. In all the measures of the programme exciting and interesting projects have been fulfilled. It is  hoped that with this publication we can give you practical help for getting an idea what kind of activities can be granted in the different measures, and for the influence of the published projects more and more people will use the opportunity of this programme.