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The experiences and memories you acquire when you travel abroad are irreplaceable. Not only do you learn to use foreign languages the natural and painless way, but you also develop your creativity and self-reliance.
Travelling and studying in other countries teaches you to be tolerant and open.
Years later you'll still retain
the taste of that unforgotten adventure

Doswiadczenia i wspomnienia po wyjazdach zagranicznych sa niezastapione.
Nie tylko ucza w sposób naturalny i bezbolesny poslugiwania sie jezykami obcymi, ale takze rozwijaja kreatywnosc i samodzielnosc.
Mozliwosc podrózowania i studiowania w innych krajach uczy tolerancji i otwartosci.
Nie zapominajmy o tym, co zostanie po latach – smak niezapomnianej przygody.


Marta Sziłajtis-Obiegło is a young Polish sailor and adventurer. Her voyage around the world made her very popular among her generation since she was the youngest Polish sailor to sail around the world. A few days of intensive preparations and equipment tests in the Captain’s Andrzej Armiński Szczecin Shipyard in Poland and then she flew to Venezuela where the Mantra ANIA yacht was waiting in the Puerto la Cruz marina for the voyage. Following a vessel test, some necessary formalities and the provision of food supplies, she set off to sail against the wind, the waves and her weaknesses. Her voyage followed the Passat Route via Panama, the Galapagos Islands, the Island of Polynesia, Australia, Indian Ocean, South Africa, across the Atlantic Ocean to Brazil to attend the carnival and back to Venezuela. The voyage took her 358 days.

Last update: 03/02/2012 | Top