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"Youth means energy and power for change! I strongly believe in this power and the ability of the young generations to develop and spread ideas through borders and times" We are all moving forward by sharing thoughts, meeting different people and cultures. This should be exactly the reason for all of us to try our best helping young people to pursuit their ideas and dreams.!

There was a time we couldn’t say loud what we think... and couldn’t be different and open minded.

Nowadays to travel freely across Europe, to think progressively and have your own opinion and style is the essential part of idea behind European citizenship. But many of the young people, especially from the East European Countries don’t have a chance to go after their dreams! And this should be main aim of our support - to make possible students to travel, work or study wherever they think is the best choice! Exchanging ideas and sharing experience and knowledge is the key of progressive motion and our main goal should be to provide better possibilities for development of youth mobility!"

"...Да си млад означава да имаш в себе си енергия и сила за промяна! Аз силно вярвам в тази сила и в способността на всяка нова генерация да развива и споделя идеите си независимо от границите на държавите и времето в което живеем!

Всички ние се развиваме най-много, когато споделяме мислите си и когато срещаме различни хора от различни култури. И това би трябвало да бъде най-важната ни цел - да се постараем да дадем възможност на младите хора да преследват идеите си, да осъществят мечтите си!

Не беше много отдавна, когато по-възрастното поколение българи не можеше да каже на висок глас какво мисли... нито да бъдем различни и свободомислещи..

В днешно време да пътуваме свободно в Европа, да мислим прогресивно и да имаме собствен стил и позиция е част от идеята да си европеец. Но все още много от младите хора - особенно от Източна Европа, не могат да си позволят да осъществят професионалните си амбиции и мечти. И точно в това се изразява нашата помощ – да направим така, че студентите да могат да пътуват свободно.. да се учат и специализират където ги водят амбициите и където смятат че е най-подходящо за тях.

Да обменяш идеи и да споделяш опита и знанието си е ключа към прогресивното движение и основната ни цел наистина трябва да е да осигурим по-добри възможности за развитите на мобилността при младите!"


Kalin Veliov is a successful singer born in Sofia, Bulgaria on June 18, 1973. He started his musical education as a child, member of a band called Pim-Pam which provided him with the opportunity to travel around Bulgaria and to participate in many TV shows. He is a student of the Palievi family, acclaimed in the area of drums and percussions. He holds a degree from the National School of Music "Lubomir Pipkov" and from the National Conservatory in Sofia where he studied classical music. He took part in the Youth Philharmonic Orchestra "Pioneer" conducted by maestro Vlady Simeonov. In 1991 he was one of the founders of the Bulgarian formation Akaga, a band popular until today. Since then he has taken part in several formations, as well as TV shows and concerts and he also worked side by side with well-known artists in the Bulgarian music scene. In 2004 he graduated from the Rotterdam Conservatory. His long biography also includes teaching drums in the National Conservatory, working together with great musicians in Indonesia and all around Europe. At present he is working on his solo pop album called "2 Faces".


Last update: 08/04/2014 | Top