Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

08/03/2018 Brussels

Integrated social services for activating minimum income recipients: success factors and reform pathways

The final conference of the "Study on integrated delivery of social services (IDSS) aiming at the activation of minimum income recipients in the labour market – success factors and reform pathways" will take place in Brussels on 8 March.

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© Shutterstock / HUAJI

It will provide the opportunity to present the research outcome of the study to the stakeholders, collect their feedback and contribute to fostering the policy debate regarding the integrated delivery of minimum income support and activation services.

The study examines reform processes focused on the integration of employment and social services aiming at the activation of minimum income recipients in the labour market.

The study is based on a detailed description of reform processes in 12 selected countries (Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Ireland, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia).

Through a comparative analysis of these reform processes as well analysis (where possible) of the cost-effectiveness of the reforms, the study will identify the determinants for reform success (and failure) and elaborate reform pathways towards successful service integration.

The study is being carried out by Eftheia, under the support of the European Commission’s DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and in partnership with Budapest Institute and ICON Institute. It is based on input by national experts in each of the 12 focus countries.

How to participate

If you wish to participate in this conference, you can register online. Please note that costs connected to the attendance of the conference (travel, accommodation) are at participants' expense.

Crowne Plaza Brussels - Le Palace, Rue Gineste 3 - 1210 Brussels - Brussels

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