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New Headquarters for CERT-EU

​Vice-president Andrus Ansip and Commissioner Günther Oettinger inaugurated CERT-EU's new premises today. The Computer Security Incident Response Team of the EU institutions moved into new headquarters to accommodate its increase in staffing and expansion of activity.

date:  30/09/2015

CERT-EU was established in 2011 to support the various IT security teams in the EU institutions in their fight against cyber-threats. It acts as the cyber-security information exchange and incident response coordination hub for its constituents, the EU institutions. In the past four years the team has gradually expanded in resources and expertise and has become a competent and highly respected body.

Vice-President Andrus Ansip said: “Trust and security are key components of the Digital Single Market. Governments should lead by example and I would like the EU to be up there with the best. A permanent CERT for the EU institutions with adequate resources is a key asset for us to deal with the increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks.” (read the full blog post).  

Commissioner Oettinger said: “The current threats can only be tackled with a high common level of cybersecurity and cooperation.  The EU institutions, bodies and agencies have pooled  their most specialised skills and tools in cyber defence in CERT-EU. They  are very well networked with their peers and partners in the Member States. It is only by working closely together that will we be able to effectively address the cyber security risks.”

The resources of CERT-EU are provided by the EU institutions and agencies and the team works closely with peers and partners in Member States. CERT-EU will be part of a network of Computer Security Incident Response teams under the proposed Directive on measures to ensure a high common level of network and information security in the EU.


From left to right: Vice-President Andrus Ansip, Freddy Dezeure, Director of CERT-EU, and Commissioner Günther Oettinger   


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