EU Code Week 10-18 October

  • Annika Ostergren profile
    Annika Ostergren
    3 July 2015 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Saturday, 10 October, 2015 - 00:00 to Sunday, 18 October, 2015 - 00:00

The third edition of EU Code Week will take place 10-18 October 2015. Millions of children, young adults, adults, parents, teachers, entrepreneurs and policymakers will again come together in events and classrooms across Europe to learn to create with code.

The idea is to show how you can bring ideas to life with code, to make programming more visible, demystify these skills and bring motivated people together to learn. If you are a school, a kid, a coder, a young adult, a parent, teacher, a business – now is the time to start planning your Code Week event and put it on the map.

"Digital skills are essential for a true Digital Single Market and help us understand how our increasingly connected world is built. Coding is not just about computer programming, it's also about improving problem solving, communication, collaboration and creativity which are needed for the jobs of today and the future." Andrus Ansip, Vice-President for the Digital Single Market.

Alessandro Bogliolo, leader of the EU Code Week team of 90 volunteers said: "From the beginning of time we did many things using stone, iron, paper and pencil that have transformed our lives. Now we live in a different era where our world is moulded in code. Different eras have different jobs and skills demand. During CodeWeek we want to give every European the opportunity to discover coding and have fun with it. Let’s learn coding to shape our future".

As part of its strategy for a Digital Single Market, the European Commission is supporting EU Code Week and other independent initiatives which aim to boost digital skills, including programming, for different target groups. The Commission will also address digital skills and expertise in future initiatives on skills and training and will develop a digital skills strategy.

How can you participate in EU Code Week?

  • Kids/teenagers/adults can participate in coding events and organise their own events to show others how you create with code.
  • Coders can organise workshops in local schools, hack spaces or community centres
  • Teachers who code can hold coding classes, share their lessons plans, organise workshops for colleagues
  • Teachers who don't code can organise seminars or invite parents or students to teach each other coding
  • Parents can encourage their kids to participate in a coding workshop
  • Businesses and non-profit organisations can host coding workshops, lend their staff as coaches in a "back-to-coach" action, organise fun coding challenges for students or offer sponsorship for coding events
  • Everyone who participates in a coding activity can tell us about their experience and inspire others!

EU Code Week website

EU Code Week save-the-date press release

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