Statistics Explained

Glossary:Energy intensity

Energy intensity is one of the indicators to measure the energy needs of an economy. It is often used as an approximation of energy efficiency. Many factors influence energy intensity. It reflects on structure of economy and its cycle, general standards of living and weather conditions in the reference area.

Energy intensity is calculated as units of energy per unit of GDP. Indicator expressed in chain linked volumes is more suitable to be used to compare different time periods in one country, while PPS values are more suitable to be used to compare across countries in one specific year.

Energy data are from Eurostat's dataset nrg_bal_s and GDP data are from Eurostat's dataset nama_10_gdp.

  • nrg_bal_s:
    • NRG_BAL: GAE
    • UNIT: KTOE
  • nama_10_gdp:
    • NA_ITEM: B1GQ

For example:

  • Energy per GDP = 1000 * KTOE / CLV10_MEUR (Chain linked volumes, index 2010=100)
  • Energy per GDPPPS = 1000* KTOE / CP_MPPS (Current prices, million purchasing power standards)

Resulting calculations are rounded to 2 decimal places.

This indicator is required in monitoring of several strategies, programs and reports, for example:

  • Operational Program „Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020“ - annual report on the implementation
  • Energy Strategies until 2020 for reliable, efficient and cleaner energy
  • National Development Programs - Priority 7: Energy Security and Increase of Resource Efficiency
  • National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2014-2020 - annual report according to the requirements of art. 24 (2) of Directive 2012/27/EC on energy efficiency
  • National Environmental Report

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