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Keynote speeches at the Brussels Economic Forum 2010

Author(s): Edited by Marco Buti

Keynote speeches at the Brussels Economic Forum 2010pdf(355 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 

Strategies for a post-crisis world: enhancing European growth
Keynote speeches at the Brussels Economic Forum 2010

The 11th Brussels Economic Forum, held on 25-26 May 2010, took place against a background of the Greek debt crisis and keen debate on the future of Europe's economic governance. In that sense it took place at the ideal moment. Participants debated the causes and consequences of the crisis, and the best way to spur economic growth in Europe, including on how to make growth greener and more sustainable.

This special edition of DG ECFIN's Economic Brief series reproduces the keynote speeches from the conference.


  • Olli Rehn, European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs
  • Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council
  • Elena Salgado, Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance, Spain
  • José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission
  • Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action
  • Mario Monti, President, Bocconi University

(ECFIN Economic Briefs 9. July 2010. Brussels. pdf. 28pp. Tab. Graph. Ann. Bibliogr. Free.)

KC-AY-10-009-EN-N (online)
ISSN 1831-4473 (online)
doi: 10.2765/57772 (online)

JEL classification: E61, E65

ECFIN economic briefs are occasional working papers by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs which provide background to policy discussions.

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