This site has been archived on 27/01/17

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Graph of the week: A closer look at flexicurity in the labour market – Denmark's experience

78.5 % of the total population in Denmark between 15 and 64 years old was active in the labour market in 2015 (EU28: 72.5 %). Among people in working age (15-64 years old), 73.5 % of the Danes were in employment in 2015 (EU28: 65.6 %). Denmark is clearly performing well in this regard, and in 2015 the employment rate in Denmark was the fourth highest in the EU, behind only Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany.

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The Danish labour market performs comparatively better than the EU average. It is characterised by high employment, low structural unemployment, low long-term unemployment, high job turnover and a high degree of wage flexibility. 

However, some groups are not fully integrated in the labour market. This is a broader challenge, involving a loss of human capital and insufficient social inclusion.  Further measures are needed to increase the employability of people at the margins of the labour market. Those with specific challenges include low-skilled, young and elderly people and, most vulnerable of all, migrants and disabled people.

Related publication: Tackling the Post-crisis Labour Market Challenges in Denmark

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