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Graph of the week: EU Economic Forecast - Autumn 2015

Today the European Commission released its Autumn Forecast. The report tries to predict the following two years of economic activity so as to guide policy makers, business leaders and other interested groups in their decision-making. This involves taking into account around 180 variables and receiving information from DG ECFIN country experts. These Forecasts are produced three times a year in winter, spring, and autumn. This week’s Graph of the Week summarises some of the forecast’s results.

Source: Autumn 2015 European Economic Forecast (5 November2015)

Have a look at your country's forecast on the Autmn 2015 European Economic Forecast page.

DG ECFIN's economic forecasts concentrate on the EU, its individual member states, and the euro area but also include outlooks for some of the world's other major economies, and countries that are candidates for EU membership.

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