This site has been archived on 27/01/17

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Graph of the week: Ageing report – Effects of ageing on Member States public finances by 2060

The EU population is projected to increase in size slightly by 2060, but with a much older age profile than today. This will have an effect on public policies and public spending in areas such as pensions, healthcare or long-term care. Age-related public expenditure is expected to increase by 1.4 % of GDP in the EU as a whole.

However the expected impact on public finances will vary significantly among Member States as a result of the different population challenges they face and the structural reforms that they have put in place, especially in the area of pensions.




Legend : Evolution in total public age-related expenses in EU Member States

Increase 0 - 2.5 pp of GDP

Increase 2.5 pp – 4 pp

Increase more than 4 pp



Source: 2015 Ageing report

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