This site has been archived on 27/01/17

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Graph of the week: Inequality in the EU

Inequality was high on the agenda of the 2015 World Economic Forum, which took place in Davos, Switzerland on 21-24 January. A report by OXFAM estimates that almost half the world’s wealth is now owned by just 1% of the population. Leading political, business and academic figures from around the world increasingly recognise the impact that extreme inequality can have on social fairness, political stability and future economic growth. Below we can see the state of income inequality in the EU and the important role that tax policies can play.

L'économie européenne est en train de sortir de la crise, avec une reprise, mais cette reprise est très lente, trop lente. Elle est languissante. Nous sommes confrontés à un risque nouveau d'hypo inflation, d'hypo croissance, avec un hyper chômage et trop d'inégalités.

EU Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs, Pierre Moscovici   



Oxfam report
World Bank Gini explanation
Eurostat Gini figures   
Tax Reforms in the EU

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