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13/03/2008 : Workshop "Extending the Working life of Older Workers: A European Success Story?"

The aim of the workshop was to review the recent work on the effectiveness of pension reforms on participation rates and to discuss possible complementarities between pension and labour market reforms.

Brussels, 13 March 2008

The performance of the European labour markets has improved considerably during the second half of the 1990s. The unemployment rate gradually fell, while the overall employment and the participation rate increased. These improvements were mainly driven by the female and the older workers' employment and participation rates. While socio-economic and demographic changes played a role, to some extent these developments occurred in response to a broad set of reforms implemented in the period.

This workshop presented recent work on issues related to the older workers' participation rates.  The workshop reviewed different measurement of the incentives to retire, discussed the role played by pension and early retirement reforms, and discussed the political economy of pension and labour market reforms with examples from recent Member States' experience.


The workshop was organised in three sessions:
  1. The impact of pension reforms on the decisions to retire and the participation rates;
  2. Extending working life;
  3. Complementarities between labour market reforms and pension reforms.

See detailed Programme English textpdf(12 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 

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