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EUROPA > European Commission > Economic and Financial Affairs > EMU: A Historical Documentation EMU Documentation
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Period covered

1. The idea of a common currency in Europe

1929 – 1967

2. Run-up to the Barre Plan

1968 – 1969

3. Preparing the Den Haag summit

1969 – 1970

4. The Commission's mandate to draw up the first plan for EMU

1970 – 1970

5. Preparing the Werner Report

1970 – 1970

6. The need for a European Monetary System

1971 – 1973

7. The period of discussion about the European unit of account

1973 – 1975

8. Period of intensive studies 

1975 – 1977

9. Revival of the idea of EMU

1977 – 1978

10. The need to coordinate economic policies

1978 – 1978

11. Discussions about the European Monetary System

1978 – 1988

12. The ECU at the centre of discussion

1981 – 1988

13. Run-up to the Maastricht Treaty

1989 – 1991