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ECFIN in action
Showing the way to the euro

Road sign © Anja Peternelj
© Anja Peternelj
What do I need to do to prepare my company for the introduction of the euro? What will happen to my savings? Questions like these are widespread amongst the citizens of the new Member States, now preparing to adopt the euro in place of their national currency. To improve understanding of the challenges of euro introduction, the Commission has set up a group of experts in each country – the Euro Team – who can explain to citizens first hand how the euro will affect them, in their own language.

Each of the Member States that joined the European Union in May 2004 will join the euro area, once their economies have achieved sustainable convergence with current euro-area members. These economies are converging at different rates (and from different starting points), so the immediate needs of their citizens for concrete information on the euro vary. But there is, nonetheless, growing demand in all ten of these countries for details, and particularly for more clarity over what the coming changeover will mean for both business and private life. Unfortunately, there are too many incidences of incomplete or incorrect information circulating in the media and by word of mouth, which can lead to confusion and worry – and worse, to citizens taking unnecessary actions and losing money.

To address this demand for information – which needs to be provided in each Member State’s national language(s), using terms familiar to local citizens from their business and private transactions – the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), has set up a network of expert speakers in each country. The network was officially launched on 29 June, with a first training seminar in Brussels. Coordinated by the Commission’s Representations in the national capitals, Euro Team members are professionals from relevant fields, working in organisations such as government ministries, national banks, academia, chambers of commerce and the media. Jointly appointed by DG ECFIN and the Commission Representations, they act as independent, expert speakers and do not represent their home institutions.

The first Euro Team training seminar.
The first Euro Team training seminar.
© European Commission

Members of the Euro Team will be available to give lectures, and participate in seminars and events across their country. The aim is to reach the widest possible range of citizens, giving them accurate, tailored information on the euro changeover, overcoming the myths and misconceptions which have grown up. For example, a town’s small business association may invite a speaker to explain the steps in the changeover to their members. Or a speaker could address the specific concerns of a local group of senior citizens, helping to ease their worries. Members of the team will also assist in programmes to help schoolchildren learn about the euro.The Commission will organise training seminars for the members, and develop and supply them with information materials. And whilst each member’s work will address the specific characteristics of their own country’s economy, they will benefit from being able to exchange experiences with their counterparts from other countries.

A Eurobarometer survey(1) carried out in April shows that some 60% of citizens feel they are not adequately informed about the euro, and three-quarters have worries about price rises during the changeover. The members of the Euro Team will help individuals find answers to the specific questions they have, and provide the information to dispel their worries. In doing so, they will benefit from the experiences of current euro-area members – from worries in the run-up to the changeover to the situation today, with the euro successfully established. These experiences will be analysed by hose planning the changeover in each country, to ensure it runs smoothly, and the Euro Team members will also be able to draw on them to demonstrate to citizens in their country that the changeover will not cause problems.

Euro Team Training Seminar

(1) The state of public opinion on the euro in the new Member States, Flash Eurobarometer 183

Further information

Organisations, groups, schools, companies and individuals in the new Member States may request participation of speakers from the Euro Team in specific activities or events. Requests should be made to the European Commission Representation in the country concerned. Further information is available on the Euro Team website.

Further information

Organisations, groups, schools, companies and individuals in the new Member States may request participation of speakers from the Euro Team in specific activities or events. Requests should be made to the European Commission Representation in the country concerned. Further information is available on the Euro Team website.
