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Green Paper on adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems

07.07.2010 - How can Europe help to safeguard pension systems, which have been put under strain by population ageing and the economic crisis? The European Commission has launched a public consultation.

In 2008 there were four people of working age (15-64 years old) for every EU citizen aged 65 years or over. By 2060, that ratio will drop to two to one. The economic crisis has increased the pressure on pension systems.

73% of EU citizens expect to receive lower pensions, work longer or save more. 54% are worried that they will be poor in old age.

A Green Paper issued by the European Commission on 7 July 2010 looks at how to address these challenges by:

  • Ensuring adequate incomes in retirement and making sure pension systems are sustainable in the long term
  • Achieving the right balance between work and retirement and facilitating a longer active life
  • Removing obstacles to people who work in different EU countries and to the internal market for retirement products
  • Making pensions safer and more transparent so that people can take informed decisions about their own retirement income

Responses to the questions raised in the Green Paper can be submitted until 15 November 2010.


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