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Press releases

Taxation and Customs Union

Moscovici welcomes Council support for customs risk Strategy and Action Plan


European Commission - Statement Brussels, 04 December 2014 The European Commission welcomes the Council Conclusions on the Commission Communication on the EU Strategy and Action Plan on customs risk management: Tackling risks, strengthening supply chain security and facilitating trade.  "This marks an important step toward more effective and cost-efficient system...


Taxation: Commission refers Greece to the Court of Justice of the European Union on vehicle registration tax for leased or rented cars


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 26 November 2014 The European Commission has decided to refer Greece to the Court of Justice of the European Union for its failure to amend registration tax rules for vehicles leased or rented to Greek residents by non-Greek lessors.


Taxation: Commission refers Ireland to the Court of Justice of the European Union for incorrect application of the rules on marked fuel


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 26 November 2014 The European Commission has decided to refer Ireland to the Court of Justice of the European Union for not properly applying the rules on fiscal marking on fuel.


November infringements package: main decisions


European Commission - Fact Sheet Brussels, 26 November 2014 In its monthly package of infringement decisions, the European Commission is pursuing legal action against Member States for failing to comply properly with their obligations under EU law.


Taxation: Commission decided to refer Spain to the Court of Justice of the European Union for discriminatory tax treatment applied to investments in non-resident companies


European Commission - Press release 26 November 2014 The European Commission has decided to refer Spain to the Court of Justice of the European Union to ensure that the Spanish legislation on taxation of investments in non-resident companies complies with EU law.



OLAF, Eurojust meet to coordinate investigations into Members of the European Parliament


olaf/11/6 Brussels, 11 April 2011 OLAF in cooperation with Eurojust hosted a meeting last Friday with judicial authorities from Belgium, Austria, Slovenia and Romania on the ongoing investigations into some Members of the European Parliament (MEP)....


Cigarette smugglers in Lithuania caught with 70 million cigarettes


olaf/11/5 Brussels, 11 April 2011 Nine people have been arrested in Lithuania in a criminal investigation which the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) has been coordinating for over a year. The investigation, involving law enforcement authorities in Lithuania, ...


OLAF reaffirms its competence to investigate members of the European Parliament


olaf/11/4 Brussels, 28 March 2011 According to a report in The Sunday Times issued on 20 March 2011 three Members of the European Parliament (MEP) agreed to put forward amendments to draft legislation in the European Parliament in return for a fee....


Algirdas Šemeta Commissioner responsible for Taxation "Towards a more efficient European Anti-Fraud Office" European Parliament - CONT Committee Brussels, 22 March 2011


SPEECH/11/201 Distinguished Members, Ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to be here today to present you the Amended proposal for the reform of the European Anti-Fraud Office. In the Reflection paper I presented you before last summer, the Commission ...


Huge Illegal Cigarette Factory in Poland Raided


olaf/11/3 Brussels, 15 March 2011 Plans by an international criminal gang to flood the EU market with millions of illegal cigarettes came to an abrupt end recently when Polish Police raided an illegal cigarette factory near to Warsaw, Poland....



Last update: 09/12/2014 |  Top