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Press releases

Taxation and Customs Union

Cutting Red Tape and Boosting Tax Revenues: Commissioner Šemeta welcomes European Parliament's support for the Standard VAT Return


European Commission Statement Strasbourg, 26 February 2014 Algirdas Šemeta, EU Commissioner for Taxation, welcomed the European Parliament's strong support today for a Standard VAT Return (see IP/13/988). The Standard VAT Return is one of the Commission's key proposals to cut red-tape for business and improve tax compliance in the EU.


Q&A: The EU's high-level group on own resources


European Commission MEMO Strasbourg, 25 February 2014 The high-level group on own resources has been formally established today by the Presidents of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.


Commissioner Šemeta welcomes G20 Finance Ministers' agreement on global tax transparency standard


European Commission Statement Brussels, 23 February 2014 Algirdas Šemeta, EU Commissioner for Taxation, has welcomed the G20 Finance Ministers' agreement today on a new global standard which will reinforce the fight against tax evasion and improve tax transparency worldwide.


European Public Prosecutor's Office: Commission proposal gains momentum


Commission MEMO Brussels, 20 February 2014 European Following yesterday's support by France and Germany for a swift agreement on a European Public Prosecutor’s Office, the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE) has today backed the Commission’s proposal to establish such an Office (IP/13/709).


Vice-President Reding and Commissioner Šemeta welcome agreement to protect euro from counterfeiting


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 20 February 2014 The European Commission has welcomed the political agreement reached last night on the proposal to better protect the euro from counterfeiting through EU-wide criminal law measures.


Commission takes Luxembourg to Court of Justice over VAT in the case of independent groups of persons


European Press release Brussels, 20 February 2014 Commission The European Commission has decided to take Luxembourg to the Court of Justice of the European Union over the VAT system applied by Luxembourg to independent groups of persons.


February infringements package: main decisions


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 20 February 2014 February February EMPLOYMENT & social affairs ENERGY ENVIRONMENT HOME AFFAIRS JUSTICE TAXATION & CUSTOMS UNION TRANSPORT AT 1 BE 1 CY 1 1 1 CZ 1 DK 1 EE 1 ES 1 2 IE 1 IT 2 LU 1 1 2 PT 1...


Vice-President Reding and Commissioner Šemeta welcome agreement to protect euro from counterfeiting


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 19 February 2014 The European Commission has welcomed today's political agreement on the proposal to better protect the euro from counterfeiting through EU-wide criminal law measures. The agreement follows two so-called trilogue meetings between the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers.


Commissioner Šemeta welcomes Council's recommendation to grant discharge on 2012 budget


European Commission Statement Brussels, 18 February 2014 The EU Council of Economic and Finance Ministers in Brussels today voted in favour of granting discharge to the Commission on the 2012 budget, in a recommendation to the European Parliament.


Preparation of Economic and Finance Ministers Council, Brussels, 18 February


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 14 February 2014 The EU's Council of Economic and Finance (ECOFIN) Ministers will take place in Brussels on 18 February at 10.00. The European Commission will be represented by Olli Rehn, Vice President and Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro, Michel Barnier, Commissioner...


European Parliament committee backs Commission proposal for a European Public Prosecutor's Office


Commission MEMO Brussels, 11 February 2014 European The Commission's proposal for the establishment a European Public Prosecutor's Office (IP/13/709) made further progress today as the European Parliament's legal affairs Committee (JURI) has adopted its Opinion on the proposal (19 votes for, 4 against and 0 abstentions).


Speech: EU Tax policy and Competition policy – A complementary approach to fair taxation


European Commission [Check Against Delivery] Algirdas Šemeta Commissioner responsible for Taxation and Customs Union, Statistics, Audit and Anti-fraud Speech: COMPETITION FORUM Brussels, 11 February 2014 Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to welcome you all to this year's Competition Forum.


Tackling tax fraud: Commission proposes stronger cooperation with non-EU countries on VAT


European Commission Press release Bruxelles, 6 February 2014 As part of the intensified battle against tax fraud, the Commission today launched the process to start negotiations with Russia and Norway on administrative cooperation agreements in the area of Value Added Tax (VAT).


Questions and Answers: Cooperating against VAT Fraud


European Commission Memo Bruxelles, 6 February 2014 See also IP/14/121 What is the scale of VAT fraud in the EU? What is the scale of cross-border VAT fraud by operators in third countries? In November 2013 the Commission published a report on the VAT gap in Europe.


Financial Transaction Tax: Time to engage, compromise and deliver


European Commission [Check Against Delivery] Algirdas Šemeta Commissioner responsible for Taxation and Customs Union, Statistics, Audit and Anti-fraud Plenary debate in Parliament Strasbourg, 4 February 2014 Chair, Honourable Members, This debate is timely and essential.


Last update: 09/12/2014 |  Top